[Tex/LaTex] Adobe Garamond and LaTeX (Linux)


I'm currently writing a math-heavy Ph.D. thesis (more about this in a minute) and, as I truly love Adobe Garamond, I would like to use it. However, given its cost, I would like to make sure that I make the right choice of format, and that I will be able to use it without problem in my documents. Note that focusing on this particular font makes sense to me, as it is one of the most discussed font around.

Many people ask questions about using fonts in LaTeX, and I've spend many hours (really) searching for a bulletproof and up-to-date method to use them. For the record, note that I am working under Debian and I'm not at all used to handling fonts.

You see, there is a constraint: as I'm using arxiv.org, I'm somehow stuck with LaTeX (pdfLaTeX). Many "easy solutions" I have found involve switching to XeLaTeX, LuaLaTeX or ConTeXt. However, I simply cannot switch permanently for LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX (but I can however use them, if it's not too involved, for CV and letters), ConTeXt being even less suitable.

Now, I'm thinking of two different uses for the font:

  • in CV, letters and such;
  • in my Ph.D. thesis, which I would like to upload on arxiv.org once finished.

Given the circumstances, should I go for:

  • OpenType


  • Type1?

OpenType is totally fine for XeLateX, from what I understand, thanks to fontspec. On the other hand, Type1 is what LaTeX natively uses (but I do not know how to handle it). Also, are Type1 fonts extracted somehow from OpenType as good as native Type1 fonts or is there a quality loss?

Installation & use.
Depending on the answer(s) to the previous question:

  • how to install the font (either as it is or via a conversion)


  • how to use it in LaTeX in a minimal example?

Most threads in SX typically only focus on very specific parts of the process, and it's extremely confusing. Usually, I would just go for trials and errors but as I have to purchase first, it doesn't seem to be the best option.

What about maths?
How should one deal with mathematical expressions? Possibly: which alternative fonts should one use?

Humble request.
I could not find an A-to-Z method to install fonts and use them in LaTeX for a Linux distribution, but I've seen many topics in SX where people display a great knowledge of those things. I truly believe that, if one such person would accept to make a comprehensive and detailed walkthrough, it might be one of the most useful post around. I'd be more than happy to offer as much of my current reputation as I can to such a person. But tell me what you think about that.

I thank you very much for your time.

Edit: I am well aware that arxiv.org does not accept proprietary fonts, but not putting my thesis there is not an option. I'll just revert back to the default font when I upload it there.
Edit: Apparently OpenType should be the way to go, even though they are harder to use in pdflatex.

Best Answer

Ok, I try to give as many answers as possible:

Decide if you need it and can use it

As you already know, ArXiv does not accept pdfs created from latex code. So you are out here if you use commercial fonts. Of course you can decide the following:

  1. print your articles with the commercial fonts
  2. submit the same article with a public fonts to arxiv
  3. distribute nice-looking versions from your own web site

This is the route many people are going.

Select the font

If you will be using latex based on pdftex and not luatex or xetex engines, you need the type1 fonts. That is well documented and clearly explained. In fact, if you don't have more needs it might be even much cheaper to get the fonts in type1 format instead of otf, but I have not experience with that. Of course you can choose to convert otf fonts, but you might come into license hell by this, unless you are a lawyer and can read the small print.

Check on proper math support

You need to make sure that the font you like has proper math support. Garamond would qualify with a few options. But again, this is up to your decision.

From now on I assume that you have purchased the Adobe Garamond family include Expert Font Set.

Installing the fonts on Debian

First you have to decide if you install the fonts to TEXMFLOCAL or your home directory. This depends on many factors: multi-user versus single user, backup strategies. My recommendation is for font packages to install them into TEXMFLOCAL if it is a single-user system. This makes it much easier wrt to integration into the Debian infrastructure.

Next assume you have received the fonts you have to rename them to proper names. I recommend reading http://mirror.ctan.org/fonts/psfonts/w-a-schmidt/pad.txt for that. Basically the fonts have to be named:

FontName:                   Adobe file name:  TeX file name:
AGaramond-Bold              gdb_____.pfb      padb8a.pfb
AGaramond-BoldItalic        gdbi____.pfb      padbi8a.pfb
AGaramond-Italic            gdi_____.pfb      padri8a.pfb
AGaramond-Regular           gdrg____.pfb      padr8a.pfb
AGaramond-Semibold          gdsb____.pfb      pads8a.pfb
AGaramond-SemiboldItalic    gdsbi___.pfb      padsi8a.pfb
AGaramondExp-Bold           geb_____.pfb      padb8x.pfb
AGaramondExp-BoldItalic     gebi____.pfb      padbi8x.pfb
AGaramondExp-Italic         gei_____.pfb      padri8x.pfb
AGaramondExp-Regular        gerg____.pfb      padr8x.pfb
AGaramondExp-Semibold       gesb____.pfb      pads8x.pfb
AGaramondExp-SemiboldItalic gesbi___.pfb      padsi8x.pfb

like this. Then you put the following files into the respective locations:

*.pfb   /usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/agaramon/
*.afm   /usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/afm/adobe/agaramon/

Furthermore, get http://mirror.ctan.org/fonts/psfonts/w-a-schmidt/pad.zip and unzip it while being in /usr/local/share/texmf.

After this you have to make the files known to the TeX system by running mktexlsr /usr/local/share/texmf.

Finally, you have to activate the fonts. Here it depends on which version of Debian you are using.

a. Debian squeeze

(currently as of 2012/12 stable, TeX Live 2009)

Add a file /etc/texmf/updmap.d/00local.cfg (create if necessary) and add one line:

Map pad.map

there. After that run update-updmap followed by updmap-sys (both commands need to be run as root!)

b. Debian wheezy and above

(as of current testing, but soon stable, TeX Live 2012)

Add/Edit the file /usr/local/share/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg and add above line, then run updmap-sys (as root again).

Using the fonts

You should now be settled with your fonts and simple documents should work. In the following example I am using the Euler math fonts. But that is up to you.

% for oldstyle

After this you should be settled with running your documents.

PostScript: Using MathDesign with URW Garamond

Although you have stated that you do not want to use the URW fonts (where I am not sure why), I suggest to give math-design a try. A simple


should show you if this is enough for you, especially if you have your theses already in LaTeX format.

To get math-design on Debian/wheezy you have to install texlive-fonts-extra by calling apt-get install texlive-fonts-extra (as root).

PostScript II: Garamond No8 (garamondx)

If you prefer not to purchase, another option would be the font set garamondx which is not distributed by TeX Live (thus also not Debian), but which is free according to Allading license. They can be used with mathdesign and newtxmath, and might be of interest for you.

How to install on a Debian system: See http://tug.org/fonts/getnonfreefonts/, but simply get http://tug.org/fonts/getnonfreefonts/install-getnonfreefonts, run it with texlua install-getnonfreefonts as root. This will install it into /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/share/texmf. Then call getnonfreefonts-sys garamond and getnonfreefonts-sys garamondx (both as root). That should do all the necessary steps on a Debian system with TL2012, too.

If there are any unclear points let me know and I will improve the answer.