[Tex/LaTex] Add some space around the headline in a beamer slide


How can I customise the headline of my slides in order to have some white space above and below the title of the frame?

I guess I should change the template with the following instruction: \setbeamertemplate{headline}

but how?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

From your description, it's not clear (at least to me) which template you need to modify; headline or frametile. Anyways, you can use \addtobeamertemplate to add the spacing before (using the first argument) and after (using the second argument) the headline or frametitle template; a little example (of course, instead of 1cm you can use the desired length):




\frametitle{Test Frame}


enter image description here

After the new requirement made in a comment, a redefinition of the frametitle template (as defined in beamerouterthemeshadow,sty since the theme used is Warsaw) is needed:


    \advance\beamer@leftmargin by -12bp%
    \advance\beamer@rightmargin by -12bp%
    \advance\beamer@tempdim by \beamer@leftmargin%
    \advance\beamer@tempdim by \beamer@rightmargin%
          \vbox{}\vskip.50ex% NEW: original \vskip-.75ex
          \rightskip0.3cm plus1fil\leavevmode
            \par{\usebeamerfont*{framesubtitle}{\usebeamercolor[fg]{framesubtitle}\insertframesubtitle}\strut\par\vskip2ex}% NEW: added \vskip2ex
      \advance\beamer@tempdim by 2pt%
        \usebeamercolor{frametitle right}
    \hbox to\textwidth{\hskip-\Gm@lmargin\pgfuseshading{beamer@topshade}\hskip-\Gm@rmargin}


\frametitle{Test Frame Title}
\framesubtitle{Test Frame Subtitle}


enter image description here

The lines that were changed are signaled in the code with % NEW; there you can adjust the lengths according to your needs.