[Tex/LaTex] add a fake item in itemize as a placeholder


How to make phantom item in itemize environment? I want to 'animate' items in my beamer slides, so when I go from one slide to another new item pop up in a right place.
I have workaround for one item but it does not work for two items:


\tikzset{sequencestyle/.style={minimum size=0.5cm, draw=gray, line width=1pt, inner sep = 2pt}}{}

\begin{frame}{first slide}
    \item This is first item.                                                   
\node [sequencestyle, fill=red, anchor=west, xshift=-\pgflinewidth] (node1) {A};
\node [sequencestyle, fill=blue, anchor=west, xshift=-\pgflinewidth] at (node1.east) (node1) {B};

\begin{frame}{second slide}
    \item This is first item.
    \item This is second item.
\node [sequencestyle, fill=red, anchor=west, xshift=-\pgflinewidth] (node1) {A};
\node [sequencestyle, fill=blue, anchor=west, xshift=-\pgflinewidth] at (node1.east) (node1) {C};


I bet this question is answered somewhere, but I could not find.

EDIT: I updated the code. Besides of adding bullets I update some graphics elements. I added few things as an example.

Best Answer

You can simply use the fact that itemize is overlay-aware and use the [<+->] overlay option. For the elements of the tikzpicture, you can also use the fact that TikZ's commands are overlay aware:



sequencestyle/.style={minimum size=0.5cm, draw=gray, line width=1pt, inner sep = 2pt}


\begin{frame}{first slide}
    \item This is the first item.
    \item This is the second item.
    \item This is the third item.

\node<1-> [sequencestyle, fill=red, anchor=west, xshift=-\pgflinewidth] (node1) {A};
\node<2-> [sequencestyle, fill=blue, anchor=west, xshift=-\pgflinewidth] at (node1.east) (node2) {B};
\node<3-> [sequencestyle, fill=green, anchor=west, xshift=-\pgflinewidth] at (node1.east) (node2) {C};


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