[Tex/LaTex] A pentagon with labeled edges


I have the following code for a pentagon to be generated using tikz. I'm trying to modify the code slightly, but I haven't been able to progress any further. I would like for the "dots" at the vertices to go away, so as to show only straight lines, and for the numbers inside of the pentagon to be a little neater, but I haven't been able to shift them, either.


\foreach \a in {5}{
\node[regular polygon, regular polygon sides=\a, minimum size=3cm, draw] at (\a*4,0) (A) {};
\foreach \i in {1,...,\a}
    \node[circle, label=above:\i, fill=black, inner sep=1pt] at (A.corner \i) {};

Best Answer

Something like this?

labelled pentagon

  \foreach \a in {5}{
    \node [regular polygon, regular polygon sides=\a, minimum size=3cm, draw] at (\a*4,0) (A) {};
    \foreach \i in {1,...,\a}
      \node [label=90+72*(\i-1):\i, inner sep=1pt] at (A.corner \i) {};