Tables Tabularray – How to Prevent Tabularray from Exceeding Linewidth


I'm using tabularray to create a table with various colspans and rowspans. The table has width = \linewidth and colspec = {|X[1]|X[1]|X[2]|}, but it exceeds the linewidth, and the column width X requests are not obeyed:


How can I get the table to stick to the linewidth, and to respect the column widths I've given?

Minimum working example:


\usepackage{pgffor, etoolbox}

% headers and footers
\fancyhf{} % clear existing header/footer entries
\fancyhead[C]{\footnotesize test}


    width = \linewidth,
    colspec = {|X[1]|X[1]|X[2]|}
    \SetCell[c=3]{c} \textbf{DOCUMENTATION INFORMATION PAGE} & &
    \textbf{1. DATE} \newline date & \textbf{2. DOCUMENT TYPE} \newline document type & \textbf{3. DOCUMENT NUMBER / REV} \newline document number \space document version
    \SetCell[c=2]{l} \textbf{4. Title \newline title } & & \textbf{5. PROJECT CODE} \newline project code
    \SetCell[c=2]{l} \textbf{6. AUTHOR} \newline author & & \textbf{7. CUSTOMER} \newline customer
    \SetCell[c=2,r=2]{l} {
        \textbf{8. CONTACT ADDRESS} \\
        Lorem \\
        Ipsum \\
        Dolor \\
        Sit \\
    \textbf{9. CONTACT PHONE} \newline telephone number \vspace{0.4em}
    \textbf{10. CONTACT EMAIL} \newline author email
    \SetCell[c=2]{l} \textbf{11. TELEPHONE NUMBER} \newline telephone number
    \textbf{12. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON} \newline author


Best Answer

Don't mix syntax from classic tables with tabularray ones: instead \newline you should use \\.

Edit: Better spacin of cells' text you will get, if you will change `colspec˙ to:

colspec = {X[0.9, l,h] X[1.1, l,h] X[2,l,h]},

Considering this in previous MWE version gives

enter image description here

Corrected MWE is:

%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
\usepackage{lipsum}% For dummy text. Don't use in a real document

\usepackage{pgffor, etoolbox}

% headers and footers
\fancyhf{} % clear existing header/footer entries
\fancyhead[C]{\footnotesize test}


\begin{tblr}{hlines, vlines,
             colspec = {X[0.9, l,h] X[1.1, l,h] X[2,l,h]},
             row{1}  = {font=\bfseries},
             cell{3-Z}{1} = {c=2}{},
    &   &   \\
{\textbf{1. DATE}\\ date} 
    &   {\textbf{2. DOCUMENT TYPE}\\ document type}
        &   {\textbf{3. DOCUMENT NUMBER/REV}\\ document number\\ document version}   \\
{\textbf{4. Title\\ title}} 
    &   &   {\textbf{5. PROJECT CODE}\\ project code}                                 \\
{\textbf{6. AUTHOR}\\ author}  
    &   &   {\textbf{7. CUSTOMER}\\ customer}                                       \\
\SetCell[c=2, r=2]{l}    {\textbf{8. CONTACT ADDRESS}                                    \\
                    Lorem \\
                    Ipsum \\
                    Dolor \\
                    Sit \\
    &   &   {\textbf{9. CONTACT PHONE}\\ telephone number}                          \\
    &   &   {\textbf{10. CONTACT EMAIL}\\ author email}                             \\
{\textbf{11. TELEPHONE NUMBER}\\ telephone number}
    &   & {\textbf{12. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON}\\ author}                        \\