Tabularray inside tabularray (table inside table, scaling)


I am trying to make a table inside a table using tabularray. However, the scaling of the inner table does not match the column width of the outer table. How do I get the width of the inner table to match that of the outer table?

Here is what I got:

enter image description here

The MWE:


\newcommand{\MyCommand}[2]{\begin{tblr}{c l|} \faCalendar & #1 \\ \faMapMarker & #2 \end{tblr}}


    colspec={@{}| X[l,2] | X[l,4] | X[l,3] | @{}},
    column{1} = {font=\bfseries},
A & B & \MyCommand{some text that my go beyond the table}{the other line} \\

C & D & \MyCommand{Some more text}{the other line}



Also, I would like to be able to use a macro like MyCommand so that I don't have to create a table manually at every row I make.

Best Answer

Set the width of an inner table to \linewidth, which takes the value of its surrounding cell

enter image description here


\usepackage{showframe}   % Draws frames around a page

      colspec={X[1,c] X[10]},
    \faCalendar  & #1 \\
    \faMapMarker & #2


    colspec={@{}| X[l,1] | X[l,2] | X[l,4] | @{}},
    column{1} = {font=\bfseries},
  A & B & \MyCommand{some text that my go beyond the table}{the other line} \\
  C & D & \MyCommand{Some more text}{the other line}
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