Subfigure with different image size


I have two images with size of 1920 by 1280 and 561 by 422. I want to include them in a figure. But due to different sizes, the resulting figure is not looking good.




    \caption{\protect\subref{fig_msg_img} The message image and \protect\subref{fig_frame_351} a frame from the video.}



I want the images to have the same height. So, I tried to get the desired result by stating a constant height like this \includegraphics[height=2in]{Results/image_10.jpg} for both images. But yet the result was not as expected. The output was

output 2

How may I get the figure having both the images the same size (maintaining aspect ratio is not necessary)?

The images can be found here: and

Best Answer

The issue you've encountered has nothing to do with LaTeX per se. Instead, it's caused by the second image file coming with a considerable white "frame" around the actual image.

I suggest you use a suitable graphics tool to remove the frame. Once you do that, you'll end up getting something like the following. (Since your document has two main columns on each page, I would also like to recommend that you choosewidth=\columnwidth rather than width=0.45\textwidth.)

enter image description here

If, in addition, you could get the aspect ratios of the two images to be the same, I'd definitely pursue that route as well.


\begin{figure*} % "[t!]" has no effect on a double-wide float
   \subfloat[]{\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{pic2}% %  <-- don't forget the '%' symbol
   \caption{\protect\subref{fig_msg_img} The message image.
            \protect\subref{fig_frame_351} A frame from the video.}