[Tex/LaTex] Help with subfigure


Hi I would like to use \subfigure in order to have the a figure with 6 subfigures ordered as follows:

enter image description here

where (a1) (a2) … (c1) (c2) should be the figure name not the caption! (I forgot the brackets in the exampe!)
Thank you so much!

Best Answer

The subfigure package is deprecated; you should use either the subfig or the subcaption package.

Here's a solution based on the capabilities of the subcaption package. Each subfigure environment is assigned a width of 0.3\textwidth to have some whitespace between adjacent subfigures.

enter image description here

\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} % omit 'demo' option in real file


\hspace*{\fill} % note: no blank line
\hspace*{\fill} % note: no blank line

\hspace*{\fill} % note: no blank line
\hspace*{\fill} % note: no blank line

%%\caption{Overall caption}
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