Special Long Arrows


I'd like to create a new latex command, called Surjrightarrow, i. e. a \longtwoheadrightarrow, but without using tikz/tikzcd and/or xypic.

Is it possible? Thank you so much

P.S.: I tried with these






but the effects are not much good. My goal is also create a Bijrightarrow like up. Thanx again

Best Answer

Something like this?

    \mathrel{\ooalign{$\longrightarrow$\cr$\mkern 8.5mu\rightarrow$}}%
\(A \twoheadrightarrow B\)

\(A \longrightarrow B\)

\(A \Surjrightarrow B\)

\(A \Bijrightarrow B\)