Create \congrightarrow with STIX


I'm using STIX and I'd like to create this arrow:


editing the the \equalrightarrow, i. e., substituing the =-symbol with the $\cong$-one. Is it possible? Thank you so much

My First Edit: I thought this (for the solution):


But my main problem is this: How can I lower the symbol of $\cong$ above-left of the \xrightarrow[]{}? Moreover I use \textcolor{white}{W} only to create space. Does exist a better solution? If so, I pray you to show it. Thank you again in advanced.

Best Answer

Superimpose \sim to the symbol, with a slight push to the right.




$\equalrightarrow$ $\congrightarrow$


enter image description here

This won't scale in subscripts or superscripts, but I don't think it's needed.

The “long” versions with stix:




$A\equalrightarrow B \congrightarrow C$

$A\equallongrightarrow B \conglongrightarrow C$


enter image description here

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