Only the arrow tip


I'd like to have only the tip of this arrow: $\to$.
I.e. I'd like take the part after |-symbol of this


I accept also a latex-code that makes white the part before | of the code I just posted.
Is it possible? Thank you

Best Answer

Here are two possibilities, depending on whether you want any of the stem of the arrow.

enter image description here

The first option uses trimclip to cut off most of the stem. The second uses TikZ to draw an arrow with (almost) no stem. Note that you must load the arrows.meta library to get the arrow the same size and shape as \to.



\newcommand{\totip}{\mathrel{\clipbox*{{.685\width} {-.5ex} {\width} {1.5ex}}{$\to$}}}



$a\totip b \to c$

$a\tootip b \to c$
