Smooth dented circle with TikZ


I try to create a circle with a notch in it.

My code does not produce the desired result, as there are some areas which do not appear smooth and at position (3,0) there is a break in the line.
The control points I set are guesswork.



    \draw (0,0) .. controls (1,1)   and (2,1)    .. (3,0);
    \draw (0,0) .. controls (-1,0)  and (-3,3)   .. (0,5);
    \draw (0,5) .. controls (1,5.5) and (2,5.5)  .. (3,5);
    \draw (3,5) .. controls (5.5,4) and (4.5,0)  .. (3,0);    


Is there any (automatic) function in TikZ which can create a smooth dented circle?

Thank you.

enter image description here

Best Answer

This can be done using Bézier curves without any issue, but better done in one curve, and with fine control of the control points:

Bezier curve



    \begin{tikzpicture}[line width=2pt,cyan] 
        \draw   (0,0)   .. controls ++(.75,0)   and ++ (-.75,0) ..
                (2,.5)  .. controls ++(.75,0)   and ++ (-.75,0) ..
                (4,0)   .. controls ++(3,0)     and ++ (4,0) ..
                (2,6)   .. controls ++(-4,0)    and ++ (-3,0) ..
                (0,0) ;


Here I used relative positions for the control points (hence the ++ with the controls) to allow moving the drawing points without having to change everything. Just play with it.