Siunitx alignment in tables with both text and math


I'm trying to make a table in which the last column has mixed input of text and numbers in the same cell, and I want to align them at the decimal point, irrespective of the lenght of the preceeding text (though is usually a symbol like <, >, etc.). The problem is that the numbers overlap the text.


\begin{tabular}{@{}l S[table-format=1.4] @{}}
& {p} \\
Model & {\textless{}} 0,0001 \\
\hspace{0.5cm}A & {\textless{}} 0,0001 \\
\hspace{0.5cm}B & 0,2980 \\
\hspace{0.5cm}C & 0,0007 \\

results in:

If I use:

\begin{tabular}{@{}l S[table-format=1.4] @{}}
& {p} \\
Model & {text} {0.0001} \\
\hspace{0.5cm}A & {\textless{}} {0.0001} \\
\hspace{0.5cm}B & 0.2980 \\
\hspace{0.5cm}C & 0.0007 \\

I get:

with no space between "text" and "0.0001", and the numbers not aligned at the decimal point.

If I try aligning the numbers to the right and centering the title:

\begin{tabular}{@{}l r@{}}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{p} \\
Model & {\textless{}} {0.0001} \\
\hspace{0.5cm}A & {\textless{}} {0.0001} \\
\hspace{0.5cm}B & 0.2980 \\
\hspace{0.5cm}C & 0.0007 \\

the result is:

which is still wrong, as the title is not centered in the column (it's more to the left side than it should be).

I also tried declaring mode=text in the preamble for siunitx, but still couldn't get the result I want.

Is there any way to get a single column with the header centered with the text below, and cells with some text followed by a space and then numbers aligned at the decimal point? Something closer to this mock-up:

I'm trying to avoid manual adjustments like \hspace{} or the like.

OK, thanks to @Mico's code I got closer to what I want. I've added a few digits at both sides of the decimal marker to check the alignment of the text before and after the numerals. MWE:

  output-decimal-marker = {,},
  table-number-alignment = center,
  table-align-comparator = false,
  table-align-text-pre = false,
  table-align-text-post = false,
  table-space-text-pre = \, ,

\begin{tabular}{c S[table-format=2.8, table-comparator=true]}
  & {Value} \\
  Model & <9,0001 \\
  A     & >90,001 \\
  B     &  0,29801111 \\
  C     & \sim 0,0007 \\
  D     & \approx 1,030356{\textsuperscript{a}}



Now I only need to find a way to control the spacing between the pre- and post- text. I'd like a small space (like \,) between the comparator symbol and the numeral. The idea is to define this globally, to avoid having to define something like \newcommand{\ssim}{\sim\,} for every symbol (<, >, ~, ±, etc.). Thanks.

Best Answer

You could add the options table-align-text-pre = false and table-space-text-pre = < to the specification of the S column.

enter image description here

\begin{tabular}{@{} c S[table-format=1.4,
                        table-align-text-pre = false,
                        table-space-text-pre = <] @{}}
  & $p$ \\
  Model & <0,0001 \\
  A     & <0,0001 \\
  B     &  0,2980 \\
  C     &  0,0007
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