Correctly use table-align-text-post and table-number-alignment


I want to create a simple table using the siunitx package.
The right column of the table should look like this:

  • The T should be centered above everything, which comes below
  • The numbers and text below should be aligned individually
  • The numbers should be aligned at their decimal point
  • The text should be left aligned

After reading the user guide of siunitx I thought the two fitting commands would be:
"table-number-alignment = center" to center the T above everything else and
"table-align-text-post = true" to align the text (centered and not left aligned, but could be figured out later).
The alignment on the decimal point is already a default

Lets look at the results:




\begin{document} % Dokument beginnen

\sisetup{table-align-text-post = true}
\begin{tabular}{@{}C{0.25\textwidth}@{}S[table-column-width = 0.25\textwidth]@{}}
 {Type} & {T} \\
1 & 2.222 \textsuperscript{a} \\
2 & 3.333 \textsuperscript{b} \\
3 & 4.444 \textsuperscript{c} \\
4 & 5.555 \textsuperscript{d}  \\
5 & 6.66  \textsuperscript{e}  \\

\sisetup{table-number-alignment = center,table-align-text-post = true}
\begin{tabular}{@{}C{0.25\textwidth}@{}S[table-column-width = 0.25\textwidth]@{}}
 {Type} & {T} \\
1 & 2.222 \textsuperscript{a} \\
2 & 3.333 \textsuperscript{b} \\
3 & 4.444 \textsuperscript{c} \\
4 & 5.555 \textsuperscript{d}  \\
5 & 6.66  \textsuperscript{e}  \\


enter image description here

Somehow table-align-text-post = true does not align the post-text on its own and if table-number-alignment = center is used it aligns the post-text, but it overlaps with the numbers. My first idea was, that the overlapping can be avoided by choosing the correct value for table-format, but this does not work. Also the T is not centered above the number in any of the cases.

Best Answer

Welcome to TeX.SE!

  • your last demand is no clear. Which text you like to have left aligned?
  • don't use center environment in table float. It add spurious vertical space. Instead it rather use \centering command after \begin{table}` as is done in MWE (Minimal Working example) below.
  • default positioning of text in S columns is center
  • you need to define numbers format. In this you need to reserve space for notes (exponents) at numbers (see MWE below)
  • Instead of hhline I would rather use bootabs rules as are in the second example.
  • Due to added exponents to numbers, I guessing, that you like to add (latter) table notes. IN this case you see `threparttable´. This may help you.



\begin{document} % Dokument beginnen

\begin{tabular}{@{} C{0.25\textwidth} S[table-column-width = 0.25\textwidth] @{}}
    \hhline{==} % <--- changed
Type    &   {T} \\
1   & 2.222 \textsuperscript{a} \\
2   & 3.333 \textsuperscript{b} \\
3   & 4.444 \textsuperscript{c} \\
4   & 5.555 \textsuperscript{d}  \\
5   & 6.66  \textsuperscript{e}  \\

\begin{tabular}{@{} C{0.25\textwidth} S[table-column-width = 0.25\textwidth] @{}}
Type    &   {T} \\
1   & 2.222 \textsuperscript{a} \\
2   & 3.333 \textsuperscript{b} \\
3   & 4.444 \textsuperscript{c} \\
4   & 5.555 \textsuperscript{d}  \\
5   & 6.66  \textsuperscript{e}  \\


Are above results what you after?

enter image description here

Addendum: You may consider write table with use of the tabularray package:

\UseTblrLibrary{booktabs, siunitx}

\begin{tblr}{ width=0.5\textwidth,
            colspec={@{} X[c] X[c, si] @{}},
            row{1} ={guard}
Type    &   {T} \\
1   & 2.222 \textsuperscript{a} \\
2   & 3.333 \textsuperscript{b} \\
3   & 4.444 \textsuperscript{c} \\
4   & 5.555 \textsuperscript{d} \\
5   & 6.66  \textsuperscript{e} \\


enter image description here