Single-line musical score with text to notate prosodic rhythm


How can I have a single line musical score only to notate the quantity of each note and pauses? I've looked into some packages, but most of them only type entire traditional 5 lines score; I also tried packages with symbols, so that I could use tabular environment to place text right bellow the note, but usually they do not align rightly.

I want more or less to reproduce what is in this image.

thank you!

Best Answer

With a lilypond file like

 \new RhythmicStaff \with {\remove "Staff_symbol_engraver"} {
    \relative {
        \time 1/4 \hide Staff.TimeSignature
    \tuplet 3/2 {a8' 8 8} 8 8 \tuplet 3/2 {r8 8 8}  8 8 4 }
    \addlyrics {
    Eye less in Ga za at the mill with slaves}}

I could produce something similar to examples

![enter image description here

It's suposed that with package lyluatex the lylipond code can be inserted into a .tex file and compiled with LuaLaTeX. But I couldn't make it work yet on my system.

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