Shrink space between lines


I'm writing an article in LaTeX. In the last paragraph of conclusion section, the space between lines shrinks unexpectedly. I do not understand what is happening. How can I make things have uniform spacing?

enter image description here

The link for testing on Overleaf is below:

Best Answer

Don't use the strip environment for the set of equations you list. Instead, use a figure* environment to allow the block of equations to flow to the next page (across both columns) and then reword you paragraph to identify the equations you're referencing. Something like:

As mentioned section 3, the robot dynamics requires matrices related to its inertial movement. Their definitions are in equations (10)-(13) below for reference.

enter image description here

As mentioned in section \ref{sec:dynamics_control}, the robot dynamics 
requires matrices related to its inertial movement. Their definitions 
are in equations (\ref{eq:M})-(\ref{eq:nu}) below for reference. 

    % your equations here

% rest of your document

I added a \label{eq:M} for the first equation in order to reference it properly.