Show spaces between words


I write and compile in Overleaf (Latex). In Microsoft Word there is an option called "Show All", in order to see if there is more than 1 space between words. I would like to ask, if there is something similar in Overleaf (Latex), in order to delete more space there that it should not be. Thanks.

Best Answer

You need nothing of that kind, because TeX is smarter than Word. Let's show it.



One two three four end.

One two  three   four    end.


With TeX any sequence of spaces (and tabs) is normalized to a single space.

enter image description here

Here's with “what you see is what you get”. No, thanks.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Disclaimer. My University has a site license for the dreaded suite of applications and, regrettably, some documents they send are only available through the said dreaded applications, which forces me to have a copy on my machine. A little advantage is being able to make some pictures like I did here.