[Tex/LaTex] Remove spaces after a custom definition


As scientific species names should be written in italic, I have adopted a shortcut to do this in LaTex by creating a definition in the preamble:

\def\GM{{\it Gadus morhua~}} 

Then it's easy to call for \GM is a fish, which returns "Gadus morhua is a fish". Note that I have added ~ to the definition, so that I won't need to write \GM~. This works except, if I want to write The fish is called \GM., which would return "The fish is called Gadus morhua ." (with a space between morhua and period). In order to maximize my lazy writing style I would like to find a way to "eat away" that space I defined earlier. I know that a negative space exists in math mode, but writing $\GM\!$ does not lead to a right result. Is there a way adding a negative space to text mode?

Best Answer

This is exactly what the xspace package is for. The manual says:

»After defining \newcommand{\gb}{Great Britain\xspace}, the command \gb will determine when to insert a space after itself and when not.«

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