Set in-text citations in italic


I'm using the authoryear-comp citestyle of biblatex and I'd like the author and year to appear in italics in in-text citations. After some research, I've found the following command, but it only italicizes the author:


Does anyone know, on the basis of the following example, how to get the year italicized as well?


\usepackage[backend=biber, bibstyle=authoryear, citestyle=authoryear-comp,sorting=nyt]{biblatex}

        author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
        year = {1986},
        title = {The \TeX book},

Many thanks for having a look at this and best wishes,

Best Answer

One way to make citation italic is to inject a \mkbibemph into the wrapper code of \DeclareCiteCommand for the relevant \...cite commands you want to be in italic.

You can find the \DeclareCiteCommand declarations in <citestyle>.cbx (in your case authoryear-comp.cbx). Note that these definitions can differ between styles, so you need to make sure you have got the correct ones.

In the example we show how to make \cite/\cite* and \parencite/\parencite* italic. The original definitions can be found in authoryear-comp.cbx, ll. 160-190 in v3.18b: For \cite we just add \mkbibemph as wrapper command (because \cite does not have a wrapper). For \parencite we combine \mkbibemph with the wrapper \mkbibparens (change the order of \mkbibemph and \mkbibparens in \mkbibemphparens to make the parentheses italic too).


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear-comp]{biblatex}







Lorem \autocite{sigfridsson}
ipsum \parencite{nussbaum}
dolor \cite{worman}


Lorem (Sigfridsson and Ryde 1998) ipsum (Nussbaum 1978) dolor Worman 2002 [the citation labels are in italics]

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