Read a csv file row by row and create a table


I have a problem reading my rows from the .csv database. Separated by commas every key.
So, here is my .csv:

2,"syst2","description system"
3,"syst3","no name"

And here is my table where I put it (I made it MVE):

\usepackage{multirow}   %для таблиц со слиянием столбцов и строк
\usepackage{array}      %для таблиц с заданной шириной столбца
\usepackage{datatool} %для работы с базами данных

\DTLloaddb{myDB}{terms.csv} %работа с базой данных

\section{Термины, определения и сокращения }
         no& Термин/сокращение & Описание, расшифровка  \\
         \id &  \emph{\T} &  \emph{\TA} \\
        % 2 &  \emph{\TB} &  \emph{\TC} \\
        \id&\emph{\Ter} & \emph{\desc}\\
        % 3 & \emph{\TD} & \emph{\TE} \\
          2&\emph{\Ter} & \emph{\desc}\\
         4 & \emph{\TF} & \emph{\TG}  \\
         5 & \emph{\Th} & \emph{\TI}\\



Best Answer

Depends on the complexity of your CSV file. For simple csv files like in your question, using package csvsimple-l3 would be the simplest way to go. See the following example.

2,``syst2'',``description system''
3,``syst3'',``no name''


It generates:


Note that I have changed the normal quotations, i.e., Here is some "text". with the LaTeX-friendly quotations, i.e., Here is some ``text''.

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