Read a large .csv file as table with bookstyle

booktabscsvcsvsimplelarge filestables

I need to insert large tables in the appendix of my MSc thesis and I want to read the data from .csv files without fill the .tex file where I write.
I produce the tables with the help of TableGenerator. Let us consider the following cutted .csv file:

    1,    459872    ,      2459600.5,    0.245955429393969E+07,    0.150902180397680E+09,    0.700936137135535E-01,    0.444423490130398E+02,    0.509894719093894E+02,    0.449518800380460E+02,    0.972856801473429E+00
    2,    1991 VG   ,      2459600.5,    0.245965301734296E+07,    0.154448562453878E+09,    0.524440272062934E-01,    0.981969077945011E+02,    0.305901193619353E+03,    0.310657729272394E+03,    0.939542405344313E+00
    3,    2000 SG344,      2459600.5,    0.245967142235446E+07,    0.146215475380197E+09,    0.668906906224866E-01,    0.107259306095888E+03,    0.280186369328737E+03,    0.287658863754547E+03,    0.102000471918105E+01
    4,    2003 YN107,      2459600.5,    0.245973765703815E+07,    0.147913409318582E+09,    0.138963447919681E-01,    0.352070216744272E+03,    0.221439015133514E+03,    0.222501180674322E+03,    0.100249189670507E+01
    5,    2006 JY26 ,      2459600.5,    0.245950771201134E+07,    0.151137260433216E+09,    0.831296262363333E-01,    0.317110762865456E+03,    0.995403784006208E+02,    0.900588991605521E+02,    0.970587901094867E+00
    6,    2006 QQ56 ,      2459600.5,    0.245948919576395E+07,    0.147356242165350E+09,    0.455957054639189E-01,    0.132721216278857E+03,    0.116944610798197E+03,    0.112215042556733E+03,    0.100818303543359E+01

My code to produce the table with help of above website is:


    uncertainty-mode = separate,
S[table-format=-1.3e1, round-precision=3, scientific-notation = true]
S[table-format=-1.3e1, round-precision=3, scientific-notation = true]
S[table-format=-1.3e1, round-precision=3, scientific-notation = true]
S[table-format=-1.3e1, round-precision=3, scientific-notation = true]
S[table-format=-1.3e1, round-precision=3, scientific-notation = true]
S[table-format=-1.3e1, round-precision=3, scientific-notation = true]
S[table-format=-1.3e1, round-precision=3, scientific-notation = true]
\textbf{index} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{pdes}} & \textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}epoch \\ (JDTDB)\end{tabular}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}tp\\ (JDTDB)\end{tabular}}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{a\_km}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{e}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{w\_deg}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{ta\_deg}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{ma\_deg}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{n\_deg/d}} \\ \midrule
1 & 459872 & 2459600.5 & 0.245955429393969E+07 & 0.150902180397680E+09 & 0.700936137135535E-01 & 0.444423490130398E+02 & 0.509894719093894E+02 & 0.449518800380460E+02 & 0.972856801473429E+00 \\
2 & 1991 VG & 2459600.5 & 0.245965301734296E+07 & 0.154448562453878E+09 & 0.524440272062934E-01 & 0.981969077945011E+02 & 0.305901193619353E+03 & 0.310657729272394E+03 & 0.939542405344313E+00 \\
3 & 2000 SG344 & 2459600.5 & 0.245967142235446E+07 & 0.146215475380197E+09 & 0.668906906224866E-01 & 0.107259306095888E+03 & 0.280186369328737E+03 & 0.287658863754547E+03 & 0.102000471918105E+01 \\
4 & 2003 YN107 & 2459600.5 & 0.245973765703815E+07 & 0.147913409318582E+09 & 0.138963447919681E-01 & 0.352070216744272E+03 & 0.221439015133514E+03 & 0.222501180674322E+03 & 0.100249189670507E+01 \\
5 & 2006 JY26 & 2459600.5 & 0.245950771201134E+07 & 0.151137260433216E+09 & 0.831296262363333E-01 & 0.317110762865456E+03 & 0.995403784006208E+02 & 0.900588991605521E+02 & 0.970587901094867E+00 \\
6 & 2006 QQ56 & 2459600.5 & 0.245948919576395E+07 & 0.147356242165350E+09 & 0.455957054639189E-01 & 0.132721216278857E+03 & 0.116944610798197E+03 & 0.112215042556733E+03 & 0.100818303543359E+01 \\ \bottomrule


I read some questions talking about the csvsimple package, can you help me read the .csv file to create the professional table with the booktab style without entering the data in the .tex file?

Best Answer

In case you table is going to be also large vertically, and possibly span multiple pages, you probably want to apply one of the long tables: longtable, xltabular etc.

Below is an example of using csvsimple and xltabular. I applied landscape as the table is quite wide with \newgeometry to slightly increase margins on pages occupied by the table. I also added solutions form makecell to simplify code when dealing with multiple lines



Some text here

\newgeometry{margin=3cm,a4paper}   % Starts new page
    % \setlength\tabcolsep{3pt}
            @{} c X
            S[table-format=7.1, round-mode=none]
        \caption{The table\label{tab:label}}\\[-6pt]
        & {\thead[l]{pdes}}
        & {\thead{epoch\\(JDTDB)}}
        & {\thead{tp\\(JDTDB)}}
        & {\thead{a\_km}}
        & {\thead{e}}
        & {\thead{w\_deg}}
        & {\thead{ta\_deg}}
        & {\thead{ma\_def}}
        & {\thead{n\_deg/d}} \\
        \midrule \endhead
        \bottomrule \endfoot
            no head,
            late after line = \\,
        {\csvcoli & \csvcolii & \csvcoliii
        & \csvcoliv & \csvcolv & \csvcolvi & \csvcolvii & \csvcolviii
        & \csvcolix & \csvcolx
\restoregeometry   % Adds pagebreak


enter image description here

EDIT. ~Code generating vertical table~

Edit 2.


  round-precision = 3,
  exponent-product = {\hspace{-1pt}\times\hspace{-2pt}},
\captionsetup[table]{position=top, skip=3pt}

Some text

  \caption{The table}
        @{} c l
        S[table-format=7.1, round-mode=none]
    & {\thead[l]{pdes}}
    & {\thead{epoch\\(JDTDB)}}
    & {\thead{a\_km}}
    & {\thead{e}}
    & {\thead{w\_deg}}
    & {\thead{ta\_deg}} \\
      no head,
      late after line = \\,
      \csvcoli  & \csvcolii & \csvcoliii & \csvcoliv
      & \csvcolv & \csvcolvi & \csvcolvii
