Placing double line conference name in the header in IEEEtran class


I have been trying to add a conference name in the header of IEEEtran class. I have been following this format. It works fine for single line conference name. When the conference name is 2 line long, the second line become right aligned. I want to make it left aligned.

MWE is given below


\usepackage[T1] {fontenc}

%------Conference Name-------%
            \parbox{.96\textwidth}{\raggedleft\fontsize{9}{11}\selectfont #1}}%

\title{A random xyz manuscript}

        %------conference Name-------%
\conf{2021 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information \& Communication Technology (ICEEICT)\\ 
    Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh}


\section{Section 1}

    \subsection{Subsection A}

Can anyone explain this part of the code – how it becomes right aligned

            \parbox{.96\textwidth}{\raggedleft\fontsize{9}{11}\selectfont #1}}%

Best Answer

So why not just insert a \parbox into the header? \headheight is big enough for two lines.

BTW, it just looked weird without \centering.


\usepackage[T1] {fontenc}

\def\ps@IEEEtitlepagestyle{% default title page headers, no footers
\def\@oddhead{\parbox[b]{\dimexpr \textwidth-\wd\headerbox-\columnsep}{\centering \@IEEEheaderstyle #1}}%
\newcommand{\mycopyrightnotice}{\footnotesize 978-0-7381-1102-5/20/\$31.00 $\copyright$ 2021 IEEE\hfill}

%------conference Name-------%
\conf{2021 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information \& Communication Technology (ICEEICT)\\ 
    Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh}

\title{A random xyz manuscript}


\section{Section 1}

    \subsection{Subsection A}

If the conference has a logo, you could use that to balance the lopsidedness.

\usepackage[T1] {fontenc}

%------Conference Header-------%

\def\ps@IEEEtitlepagestyle{% default title page headers, no footers
\def\@oddhead{\parbox[b]{\dimexpr \textwidth-\wd\headerbox-\columnsep}{\@IEEEheaderstyle #1}\hfill{\usebox\headerbox}}\relax
\newcommand{\mycopyrightnotice}{\footnotesize 978-0-7381-1102-5/20/\$31.00 $\copyright$ 2021 IEEE\hfill}

%------conference Name-------%
\conf{2021 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information \& Communication Technology (ICEEICT)\\ 
    Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh}

\title{A random xyz manuscript}


\section{Section 1}

    \subsection{Subsection A}