Numbering of section, figures, tables etc with an additional dot


I am having an unecessary dot on the numbering of my sections, figures etc, as you can see on the pictures below (i.e., in the figure labeling right before ":"). I would like to know how can this be removed and have a "normal" numbering.
This is the template that I am using:

Unecessary dot in figure labeling before ":"

Unecessary dot in labeling sections

Best Answer

The sdqthesis class is based on KOMAscript.

scrbook adds an \autodot after the last number in sections, subsections, figures, tables, etc.

An easy way to get rid of that annoying extra point everywhere is to redefine \autodot to be empty.

If you want to get the point back in the chapter numbering, change the \chapterformat. The same with the page headings.

\documentclass[twoside, english]{sdqthesis}
\renewcommand{\autodot}{}% added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

\renewcommand*{\chapterformat}{% OPTIONAL 

\renewcommand*\chaptermarkformat{\chapappifchapterprefix{\ }%% OPTIONAL 

