Non aligned column in tabular environment


The following code:


\usepackage{chemfig, chemformula}
\usepackage{enumitem} % nuevo paquete 07/Feb/2021

\usepackage{fourier,makecell} % Nuevos paquetes 25/Ene/2021
\usepackage{upgreek} % paquete añadido 27/Abr/2021


  \caption{Advantages and disadvantages of synthesis routes to make \ch{TiO_2/Ag} loaded fibers.}
    \textbf{Method} & \textbf{Advantages} & \textbf{Disadvantages}  \\
    Electrospinning & 
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, nolistsep]
    \item Fast synthesis
    \item Higher porosity and surface area of the synthesized fibers
    \item Relative  control over \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particle loading
    \item Several polymers can be electrospun 
    \item The \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particles are embedded in the polymer matrix
    \item Tunable size and shape of the fibers
    \end{itemize} & 
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, nolistsep]
    \item Limited amount of polymer to electrospun 
    \item Low solubility of \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particles in the polymer solution to be electrospun 
    \item Specialized equipment
    \end{itemize} \\
    Immersion & 
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, nolistsep]
    \item Easy and fast method
    \item Good control over the \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particle loading
    \item Low consumption of energy 
    \item Not requires specialized equipment 
    \end{itemize} &
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, nolistsep]
    \item The polymer support could not be compatible with the \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particles
    \item The polymer support must be functionalized before the immersion
    \item The porosity of the polymer support depends on the supplier
    \item The \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particles are just attached to the surface of the fibers
    \end{itemize} \\
    Hydrothermal & 
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, nolistsep]
    \item Easy synthesis   
    \item One-step synthesis 
    \end{itemize} &  
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, nolistsep]
    \item High consumption of energy 
    \item Low control over the \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particle loading
    \item Low production per run
    \item Slow synthesis
    \item Specialized equipment
    \item The \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particles are just attached to the surface of the fibers
    \end{itemize} \\


provides the table shown in the picture. As you could see, the first column is not well aligned with the others. I cannot figure how to fix it. Any suggestions?

enter image description here

Best Answer

A solution wirh the \compress command which makes latex believe that entering a cell in the relevant columns, a new minipage is starting:


\usepackage{chemfig, chemformula}
\usepackage{enumitem} % nuevo paquete 07/Feb/2021

\usepackage{fourier,makecell} % Nuevos paquetes 25/Ene/2021
\usepackage{upgreek} % paquete añadido 27/Abr/2021



  \caption{Advantages and disadvantages of synthesis routes to make \ch{TiO_2/Ag} loaded fibers.}
    \begin{tabular}{l >{\compress}p{5.0cm}>{\compress}p{5.0cm}c}
    \textbf{Method} & \textbf{Advantages} & \textbf{Disadvantages} \\
    Electrospinning &
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, nolistsep]
    \item Fast synthesis
    \item Higher porosity and surface area of the synthesized fibers
    \item Relative control over \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particle loading
    \item Several polymers can be electrospun
    \item The \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particles are embedded in the polymer matrix
    \item Tunable size and shape of the fibers
    \end{itemize} &
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, nolistsep]
    \item Limited amount of polymer to electrospun
    \item Low solubility of \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particles in the polymer solution to be electrospun
    \item Specialized equipment
    \end{itemize} \\
    Immersion &
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, nolistsep]
    \item Easy and fast method
    \item Good control over the \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particle loading
    \item Low consumption of energy
    \item Not requires specialized equipment
    \end{itemize} &
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, nolistsep]
    \item The polymer support could not be compatible with the \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particles
    \item The polymer support must be functionalized before the immersion
    \item The porosity of the polymer support depends on the supplier
    \item The \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particles are just attached to the surface of the fibers
    \end{itemize} \\
    Hydrothermal &
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, nolistsep]
    \item Easy synthesis
    \item One-step synthesis
    \end{itemize} &
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, nolistsep]
    \item High consumption of energy
    \item Low control over the \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particle loading
    \item Low production per run
    \item Slow synthesis
    \item Specialized equipment
    \item The \ch{TiO_2/Ag} particles are just attached to the surface of the fibers
    \end{itemize} \\


enter image description here

Edit: To remove the vertical space at the bottom of cells with lists, you may add a negative vertical space ain leaving the corresponding cells , replacing the table preamble with the following!

\begin{tabular}{l >{\compress}p{5.0cm}<{\vspace* {-\baselineskip}}>{\compress}p{5.0cm}<{\vspace* {-\baselineskip}}c}

enter image description here