Multiple pgfplots with common y-axis


Graphs with common y-axisAs a part of manuscript, I have to plot multiple graphs whose x and y axes ranges are the same. I am using subflot along with tikzpicture. My question is, since the range of values of the both axes are same, y-axis can be eliminated and plot all graphs side-by-side with individual x-axis but common y-axis. Each graph has scatter plot and line plot (Actual and fitted data). The manual mentions stack plots but that is not what I want. Please help me.

    \documentclass[3p, dvipsnames]{elsarticle}
    \pgfplotsset{every  tick/.style={thick,}}
    \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/set thousands separator = }
    \pgfplotsset{scaled x ticks= true}
    \usepgfplotslibrary{patchplots,colormaps, colorbrewer}
            \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.68, font = \large]
            \addplot[mark = none, line width=1.25pt, color =black][domain = 25:350, samples= 50]{(1.114938029*x)+(-16.01)};
            \legend{$\, Y_1$}
            \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.68, font = \large]
            xlabel={$ y $},
            \addplot[mark = none, line width=1.25pt, color = RedOrange][domain = 25:350, samples= 50]{(0.96*x)+(5.98)};
            \legend{$\, Y_2$}
            \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.68, font = \large]
            xlabel={$ y$},
            \addplot[mark = none, line width=1.25pt, color = Cerulean][domain = 25:350, samples= 50]{(0.96*x)+(6.00)};
            \legend{$\, Y_3$}
        \caption{My caption.}\label{figlabel}

Best Answer

If you want it like in your image, it no longer make sense to use subfig. Here is one way to do it:

\documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone}
\pgfplotsset{legend pos=north west, ymin=-10, ymax=400}

ytick pos=left,
xlabel={$y$}, ylabel={$y'$},
\addplot[very thick][domain=25:350, samples=2]{(1.114938029*x)+(-16.01)};
\legend{$\, Y_1$}

name=plot2, at={(plot1.south east)},
\addplot[orange, very thick][domain=25:350, samples=2]{(0.96*x)+(5.98)};
\legend{$\, Y_2$}

name=plot3, at={(plot2.south east)},
\addplot[teal, very thick][domain=25:350, samples=2]{(0.96*x)+(6.00)};
\legend{$\, Y_3$}


Three connected graph with common y axis