Modular Transformation in TikZ


I would like to recreate the following image in tikz, without the d partModular S and T transformation taken from source:, where the torus a is up in the middle and the torus b and c are under a to the left and right with the T and S arrows pointing to them.

What i got so far is that (based on Drawing Torus with semi-dashed line on it):

\tikzset{declare function={torusx(\u,\v,\R,\r)=cos(\u)*(\R + \r*cos(\v)); 
torusy(\u,\v,\R,\r)=(\R + \r*cos(\v))*sin(\u);
vcrit1(\u,\th)=atan(tan(\th)*sin(\u));% first critical v value
vcrit2(\u,\th)=180+atan(tan(\th)*sin(\u));% second critical v value
pow(\r,2)*(2+pow(tan(\th),2)))/pow(\R,2);% discriminant

 \draw[thick,fill=white,even odd rule,fill opacity=0.2] plot[variable=\x,domain=0:360,smooth,samples=71]
 \draw[thick] plot[variable=\x,
 \foreach \X  in {200}  

Best Answer

Purely for comparison (or, more honestly, for my own mindfulness exercise) here is a version in Metapost, which might be of interest to some users. This is wrapped up in luamplib so you need to compile it with lualatex.

enter image description here


    path o, u, a;
    o = fullcircle rotated 45 xscaled 89 yscaled 55;
    u = subpath (4.1, 7.9) of fullcircle xscaled 45 yscaled 26 shifted 7 up; 
    a = subpath (0, 4) of fullcircle xscaled 45 yscaled 26 shifted 3 down 
        cutbefore subpath (2, 4) of u cutafter subpath (0, 2) of u;
    path f, g; 
    f  = buildcycle(point 1 of a {direction 1 of a} .. point 1/16 of u, u, reverse a);
    g = buildcycle(o scaled 33/32 rotated 4 shifted (-2, 2), reverse o);

    path ring, loop, twist;

    ring = o xscaled 0.8 yscaled 0.65 shifted 7.5 up;
    loop = reverse fullcircle rotated 90 xscaled 23.25 yscaled 14 rotated 47;
    loop := loop shifted (point 4 of o - point 6 of loop);

    picture torus; torus = image(
        fill f withcolor 7/8;
        fill g withcolor 7/8;
        draw o;
        draw u;
        draw a;

    picture A, B, C;
    interim ahangle := 30;
    interim ahlength := 3;
    A = image(
        draw subpath (2, 6) of loop withcolor 7/8[2/3 red, white];
        draw subpath (0, 2) of loop withcolor 2/3 red;
        drawarrow subpath (6, 8) of loop withcolor 2/3 red;
        label.lft("$\scriptstyle a$", point 0 of loop) withcolor 2/3 red;
        draw subpath (3.6, 4.3) of ring withpen pencircle scaled 4 withcolor white;
        drawarrow subpath (-2, 6) of ring withcolor 2/3 blue;"$\scriptstyle b$", point 6 of ring) withcolor 2/3 blue;
        draw torus;
    C = image(
        draw subpath (2, 6) of loop withcolor 7/8[2/3 blue, white];
        drawarrow subpath (6, -2) of ring withcolor 2/3 red;"$\scriptstyle a$", point 6 of ring) withcolor 2/3 red;
        draw subpath (0, 1) of loop withpen pencircle scaled 4 withcolor white;
        draw subpath (0, 2) of loop withcolor 2/3 blue;
        drawarrow subpath (6, 8) of loop withcolor 2/3 blue;
        label.lft("$\scriptstyle b$", point 0 of loop) withcolor 2/3 blue;
        draw torus;
    ) shifted 68 down;
    twist = subpath (-1.5, 4.2) of ring ... point 4.9 of o {direction 4.9 of o}
      .. point 2.8 of u {direction 2.8 of u} .. {direction -1.5 of ring} cycle;
    B = image(
        draw subpath (2, 6) of loop withcolor 7/8[2/3 red, white];
        draw subpath (0, 2) of loop withcolor 2/3 red;
        drawarrow subpath (6, 8) of loop withcolor 2/3 red;
        label.lft("$\scriptstyle a$", point 0 of loop) withcolor 2/3 red;
        draw subpath (3.6, 4.3) of ring withpen pencircle scaled 4 withcolor white;
        drawarrow subpath (0, 2) of twist withcolor 2/3 blue;
        drawarrow subpath (2, 7.5) of twist withcolor 2/3 blue;
        draw subpath (7.5, 8) of twist withcolor 2/3 blue;
        drawarrow subpath (8, 8.6) of twist withcolor 7/8[2/3 blue, white];
        draw subpath (8.6, 9) of twist withcolor 7/8[2/3 blue, white];
        draw subpath (9, length(twist)) of twist withcolor 2/3 blue;
        label.urt("$\scriptstyle b$", point 7.4 of twist) withcolor 2/3 blue;
        draw torus;
    ) shifted 110 right;

    draw A;  
    draw B;
    draw C;

    bboxmargin := -2;
    path a[]; 
    a1 = point 1.75 of bbox A {dir 20} .. point 3.25 of bbox B;
    a2 = point 0.2 of bbox A {dir 250} .. point 2.8 of bbox C;

    drawarrow a1;"$T$", point arctime 1/2 arclength a1 of a1 of a1);
    drawarrow a2; label.lft("$S$", point arctime 1/2 arclength a2 of a2 of a2);

    bboxmargin := 4;
    label("\small\textbf{(a)}", point 3 of bbox A);
    label("\small\textbf{(b)}", point 2.8 of bbox B);
    label("\small\textbf{(c)}", point 3.2 of bbox C);


This is not a very flexible approach -- which is why for example I had to resort to setting the labels in \scriptstyle. To make it more general, I would have to avoid having so many "magic numbers" and try to scale all the subcomponents relative to the outer ring.

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