[Tex/LaTex] Natural transformation arrow with TikZ


How do you draw natural transformation arrows as mentioned in this question but using TikZ rather than xy? More generally, is it possible to draw edges between edge labels, from an edge label to a node, and from a node to an edge label or is it necessary to explicitly construct a node in order to draw an edge? Does providing an edge label in the path environment implicitly construct a node that can be used as the source and target of another edge? I would like to do this using the matrix and path environments in TikZ if possible.



\begin{tikzpicture}[description/.style={fill=white,inner sep=2pt}]
    \matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em,
    column sep=2.0em, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex]
    { \mathcal{D} & & \mathcal{J} \\
      \mathcal{C} & & \\ };
    (m-1-1) edge[loop left] node[auto] {$ F \circ G $} (m-1-1)
    (m-1-1.20) edge node[auto] {$ G $} (m-1-3.160)
    (m-1-3.200) edge node[auto] {$ F $} (m-1-1.340)
    (m-1-1) edge node[left] {$ H $} (m-2-1);    


example diagram

How can I connect F◦G and H with a curved natural transformation arrow ⟹? Feel free to rearrange the diagram if you'd like.

Best Answer

As percusse mentions in his comment, the tikz-cd package offers you a convenient set of macros to draw commutative diagrams; here's a little example:



\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=huge]
  \arrow[bend left=50]{r}[name=U,label=above:$\scriptstyle\mathrm{GL}_n$]{}
  \arrow[bend right=50]{r}[name=D,label=below:$\scriptstyle U$]{} &
  \arrow[shorten <=10pt,shorten >=10pt,Rightarrow,to path={(U) -- node[label=right:$\det$] {} (D)}]{}


enter image description here

Since originally the question asked for a TikZ solution using a matrix of nodes, here's a "pure" TikZ possible solution:



\matrix[matrix of nodes,column sep=2cm] (cd)
   \textbf{CRing} & \textbf{Grp} \\
\draw[->] (cd-1-1) to[bend left=50] node[label=above:$\scriptstyle\mathrm{GL}_n$] (U) {} (cd-1-2);
\draw[->] (cd-1-1) to[bend right=50,name=D] node[label=below:$\scriptstyle U$] (V) {} (cd-1-2);
\draw[double,double equal sign distance,-implies,shorten >=10pt,shorten <=10pt] 
  (U) -- node[label=right:$\det$] {} (V);


enter image description here

An answer to the edit to the original question, showing two possibilities (a curved double arrow, and a straight one):



\begin{tikzpicture}[description/.style={fill=white,inner sep=2pt}]
    \matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em,
    column sep=2.0em, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex]
    { \mathcal{D} & & \mathcal{J} \\
      \mathcal{C} & & \\ };
    (m-1-1) edge[loop left] node[auto] (fg) {$ F \circ G $} (m-1-1)
    (m-1-1.20) edge node[auto] {$ G $} (m-1-3.160)
    (m-1-3.200) edge node[auto] {$ F $} (m-1-1.340)
    (m-1-1) edge node[left] (h) {$ H $} (m-2-1);
    \draw[double,double equal sign distance,-implies] (fg.290) -- (h.150);    

\begin{tikzpicture}[description/.style={fill=white,inner sep=2pt}]
    \matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em,
    column sep=2.0em, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex]
    { \mathcal{D} & & \mathcal{J} \\
      \mathcal{C} & & \\ };
    (m-1-1) edge[loop left] node[auto] (fg) {$ F \circ G $} (m-1-1)
    (m-1-1.20) edge node[auto] {$ G $} (m-1-3.160)
    (m-1-3.200) edge node[auto] {$ F $} (m-1-1.340)
    (m-1-1) edge node[left] (h) {$ H $} (m-2-1);
    \draw[double,double equal sign distance,-implies] (fg.290) to[out=-90,in=180] (h.180);    


enter image description here

And here's the corresponding code using tikz-cd:



\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=huge,row sep=huge]
  \arrow[loop left]{}[name=fg]{F \circ G}
  \rar[start anchor=30, end anchor=151]{G}
  \arrow{d}[name=h,swap]{H} & 
\mathcal{J}\lar[start anchor=196, end anchor=-14]{F} \\
\arrow[shorten >=4pt,Rightarrow,to path={(fg.290) -- (h.175)}]{}

\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=huge,row sep=huge]
  \arrow[loop left]{}[name=fg]{F \circ G}
  \rar[start anchor=30, end anchor=151]{G}
  \arrow{d}[swap,name=h]{H} & 
\mathcal{J}\lar[start anchor=196, end anchor=-14]{F} \\
\arrow[shorten >=3pt,Rightarrow,to path={(fg.290) to[out=-90,in=180] (h)}]{}


enter image description here

To add a label to the double arrow (as requested in a comment), you can use an additional node; here's an example using both approaches (the first one using tikz-cd and the second one using "pure" TikZ):



\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=huge,row sep=huge]
  \arrow[loop left]{}[name=fg]{F \circ G}
  \rar[start anchor=30, end anchor=151]{G}
  \arrow{d}[swap,name=h]{H} & 
\mathcal{J}\lar[start anchor=196, end anchor=-14]{F} \\
\arrow[shorten >=1pt,Rightarrow,to path={(fg.290) to[out=-90,in=180] node[xshift=-3.5mm] {$\tau$} (h)}]{}

\begin{tikzpicture}[description/.style={fill=white,inner sep=2pt}]
    \matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em,
    column sep=2.0em, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex]
    { \mathcal{D} & & \mathcal{J} \\
      \mathcal{C} & & \\ };
    (m-1-1) edge[loop left] node[auto] (fg) {$ F \circ G $} (m-1-1)
    (m-1-1.20) edge node[auto] {$ G $} (m-1-3.160)
    (m-1-3.200) edge node[auto] {$ F $} (m-1-1.340)
    (m-1-1) edge node[left] (h) {$ H $} (m-2-1);
    \draw[double,double equal sign distance,-implies] (fg.290) to[out=-90,in=180] node[xshift=-3.5mm] {$\tau$} (h.180);    


enter image description here