Make a Latex Table with text in one column and multiline equations in another


I'm making tables describing my models and I don't know how to put multiline equations inside a table. I tried using multirow, but the results are super weird, and I tried using align* inside a cell, but I got an error.

The closest thing I got to work is using a tabular inside a cell, but the layout is a bit weird: the text cells have a weird padding on top, while the equations cells have no padding.

            \textbf{Modelled variable}
            & \textbf{Parameters}
            & \textbf{Formula}\\ 
            Fire spread probability from cell \textit{a} to cell \textit{b}, \textit{plain} topography
            & Grass flammability parameter (\textit{f}), grass cell \textit{b} biomass (\textit{Bb})
            & $F_{\text{ab}} = \text{fB}_{b}$ \\ 
            Fire spread probability from cell \textit{a} to cell \textit{b}, non-plain topography
            & Grass flammability parameter (f), grass biomass (Bb), slope between \textit{a} and \textit{b} (\textit{sab})
            & \begin{tabular}{lll}
                        $F_t =fB_b,$            & $s  >= 0.4,$ \\
                        $F_t =( s+0.6 )fB_b,$   &$s \in (-0.4,0.4)$\\
                        $F_t =0.2fB_b,$         &$s <= -0.4   $ \\


table image

Best Answer

You could use the cool new tabularray package:

            \textbf{Modelled variable}
            & \textbf{Parameters}
            & \textbf{Formula}  \\ 
            Fire spread probability from cell \textit{a} to cell \textit{b}, \textit{plain} topography
            & Grass flammability parameter (\textit{f}), grass cell \textit{b} biomass (\textit{Bb})
            &  $F_{\text{ab}} = \text{fB}_{b}$ \\ 
            Fire spread probability from cell \textit{a} to cell \textit{b}, non-plain topography
            & Grass flammability parameter (f), grass biomass (Bb), slope between \textit{a} and \textit{b} (\textit{sab})
            & \begin{tblr}{@{}ll@{}}  
              $F_t =fB_b,$           &  $s  >= 0.4,$ \\
              $F_t =( s+0.6 )fB_b,$ &  $s \in (-0.4,0.4)$\\
              $F_t =0.2fB_b,$       &  $s <= -0.4   $ \\

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