Multiline text in S column in tblr environment


The code below



    colspec={X Q[si={table-format=2.2},c] Q[si={table-format=2.2},c]},
    row{1} = {c}
Text & {{{LongText\\Text}}} & {{{Another\\Text}}}\\
Some very long text & 11.11 & 22.22\\

produces the following error:

Something's wrong–perhaps a missing \item.

What may be the solution to this problem? If I remove the multiline texts in the 1st row the error vanishes. As within a tblr environment, one can insert multiline text by enclosing in a curly brace, I tried using four braces in the 1st row. But that also produced the same error.

Best Answer

It is a known bug (see and has been fixed. You may wait for next version or try the latest code

As a workaround for current version, you can use cmd= to disable siunitx in the first row. In fact, it is even better since you only need one pair of braces.



    colspec={X Q[si={table-format=2.2},c] Q[si={table-format=2.2},c]},
    row{1} = {c,cmd=}
Text & {LongText\\Text} & {Another\\Text} \\
Some very long text & 11.11 & 22.22\\


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