Left aligning \[ \] $$ $$ formulas


I need do align some (not all) of equations to the left. So also I want to avoid weird formatting of them

so that is what $\displaystyle ...$ does
enter image description here

Interline space is tiny. To increase it, I can use \[ \] environment, but it centers equations:
enter image description here

Though space between lines is ok. So I can try flalign*

& f(\theta)=cos^a(\theta)&\\
& cos^{2\alpha}\theta^{\circ}_{\text{ск}}=1/2&\\
& \alpha=0.5\cdot\frac{log0.5}{log(cos(18^\circ))}=6.91&\\
& cos^{2\alpha}\theta^{\circ}_{\text{Д}}=t=0.013&\\
& \theta_\text{Д}=arccos(\sqrt[2\alpha]{t_\text{ед}})=43.24&\\

enter image description here

As you can see, interline space decreases again (but it is bigger than in $...$ variant), and there is also space before and after the block, though I tried to get rid of it as it is described here

I've triedalign* too

формулой для аппроксимации ДН элемента: \par\noindent
&f(\theta)=cos^a(\theta) &\\
&cos^{2\alpha}\theta^{\circ}_{\text{ск}}=1/2 &\\
&\alpha=0.5\cdot\frac{log0.5}{log(cos(18^\circ))}=6.91 &\\
&cos^{2\alpha}\theta^{\circ}_{\text{Д}}=t=0.013 &\\
&\theta_\text{Д}=arccos(\sqrt[2\alpha]{t_\text{ед}})=43.24 &\\

enter image description here

It's OK about spaces before and after, but spacing between lines is decreased.

Also I can not use fleqn as I want to be left-aligned only part of the equations, not all of them.

SO what can I do?

P.S. Yes, I can add \vspace after each line, but maybe there is another,better way to do this. Thanks!

Best Answer

The simplest solution uses the fleqn environment, from nccmath:

\usepackage{amsmath, nccmath}


This equation is left-aligned:
& f(\theta)=\cos^a(\theta) \\
& \cos^{2\alpha}\theta^{\circ}_{\text{ск}}=1/2 \\
& \alpha\=0.5\cdot\frac{\log0.5}{\log(\cos(18^\circ))}=6.91 \\
& \cos^{2\alpha}\theta^{\circ}_{\text{Д}}=t=0.013\\
& \theta_\text{Д}=\arccos(\sqrt[2\alpha]{t_\text{ед}})=43.24


enter image description here

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