Keep frame title position fixed while adding logo to frame title


I am studying the answers to this question Beamer, adding logo to frame title
The solutions use height=0.45cm in which case everything is fine. I considered this height too small, so I enlarged it. However, this fix causes the frame title to jump out of its place.

How can I change the logo size while keeping the frame title position fixed.

  \frametitle{Tabla de contenidos \includegraphics[height=0.8cm,right=7.8cm]{example-image}}

enter image description here

Best Answer

As you are already using \usepackage[export]{adjustbox} you can use valign=t option when including the image. This will fix the title at the top of the image, no matter how large the image gets. I have made the image larger to show the difference.

  \frametitle{Tabla de contenidos \includegraphics[height=3cm,right=7.8cm, valign=t]{example-image}}

enter image description here