Is there a diagonal-striped `warning’ border in LaTeX/TikZ


I'm not sure what this type of border is called but you may have seen one before in the manual of a power tool or kitchen appliance. See this Breville product recall webpage for an example:

It seems like it would be straightforward to make a diagonal striped border with TikZ: (1) make a rectangle filled with diagonal stripes of alternating color; (2) blank a slightly smaller rectangle in the center; and (3) apply to the page directly or as an image file (e.g. How do I add beautiful borders to the title page or Create page border using tikz). I was wondering if this type of border already exists in a package?

Best Answer

This can be easily done with tcolorbox, but also with a TiKZ filled with a pattern and a centered label to whiten the text background. Here you have both solutions:


\newtcolorbox{mybox}{enhanced, sharp corners, boxrule=5mm, 
    frame style={pattern={Lines[angle=45, line width=3mm, distance=6mm]}, 
    pattern color=red}, colback=white}
\newtcbox{mytcbox}[1][]{enhanced, sharp corners, boxrule=3mm, 
    frame style={pattern={Lines[angle=45, line width=2mm, distance=3mm]}, 
    pattern color=red}, colback=white, fontupper=\Large\bfseries\sffamily}



\node[minimum width=3cm, minimum height=2.5cm,
    pattern={Lines[angle=45, line width=2mm, distance=3mm]}, pattern color=red, 
    label={[fill=white, minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=2cm, 


enter image description here

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