Draw striped arrowhead in tikz


I want to draw an arrow with a striped arrowhead using tikz. I can't find anything in the tikz docs to do this.

\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,font=\sffamily\Large]
\draw[-{Latex[length=30mm,angle'=10]}] (0,-2) -- (0,3);

I want to make something like the below figure. Black line with arrowhead that has evenly spaced orange/white stripes:


Best Answer

The inset is misused, it denoted the number of stripes (including the white/transparent ones). An even number will lead to the line ending at a white stripe.


\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, bending}
  name = Striped Triangle,
  defaults = {
    length  = +3pt 4.5 .8,
    width'  = +0pt .75,
    inset'  = +13pt,
    angle=+60:+2.7pt +3.6,
  setup code={%
    \pgfarrowssetlineend{\dimexpr-\pgfarrowlength+.001pt}% visual things
  drawing code={%
    \pgfmathloop % could use qicker \pgfmathmultiply@ here
      \ifdim\pgfmathcounter pt=\pgfarrowinset \def\far{1}% just use 1 instead of n*1/n
      \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpointscale{\far }{\pgfqpoint{-\pgfarrowlength}{+.5\pgfarrowwidth}}}%
      \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpointscale{\far }{\pgfqpoint{-\pgfarrowlength}{-.5\pgfarrowwidth}}}%
\tikzset{>={Striped Triangle[fill=orange, angle'=30]}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[ultra thick]
\foreach[count=\i] \ang in {0, 30, ..., 359}
  \draw[-{>[inset=2*\i-1]}] (0,0) -- (\ang:.7);
\foreach[count=\i] \bendmode in {quick, flex, bend}{
\tikzset{yshift=-\i cm}
\draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
\draw [red,line width=1mm,-{[\bendmode]>.>>}]
  (-1,-.5) node[right, black] {\bendmode}
  .. controls (0,-.5) and (0,0) .. (1,0);



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