Is it possible to reduce the number of loops


Below is a graph I drew using TikZ, which achieves the purpose. However, I feel that my code is still not concise enough because it uses four for-loops. Is there a more concise method?

    % Define the center point
    \coordinate (u) at (0,0);
    % Draw the vertex u
    \node[draw, circle, fill=blue, inner sep=1pt] (u0) at (u) {$u$};
    % Draw the first circle with radius 1
    %\draw [blue](u) circle (1);
    % Draw the second circle with radius 1.5
    %\draw (u) circle (1.5);
    % Draw vertices on the radius 1 circle and connect them to the center
    \foreach \angle/\label in {54/v_0, -18/v_2, -90/v_4, 198/v_6, 126/v_8}
    \node[draw, circle, fill=white, inner sep=0pt] (w\angle) at ({cos(\angle)}, {sin(\angle)}) {$\label$};
    \draw (u0) -- (w\angle);

    % Draw vertices on the radius 1.5 circle and connect them to the center
    \foreach  \angle\label in {18/v_1, 90/v_9, 162/v_7, 234/v_5,-54/v_3}
        \node[draw, circle, fill=orange, inner sep=0pt] (w\angle) at ({1.5*cos(\angle)}, {1.5*sin(\angle)}) {$\label$};
        \draw[blue] (u0) -- (w\angle);      

    % Draw vertices on the radius 1.2 circle and connect them to the center
    \foreach \angle [remember=\angle as \lastangle (initially 198)]  in {-90, -18, 54, 126, 198}
     \draw[blue] (w\lastangle) -- (w\angle);

    \foreach \angle [remember=\angle as \lastangle (initially 234)] in {-90, -54, -18, 18, 54, 90, 126,162, 198, 234}
        \draw[thick] (w\lastangle) -- (w\angle);

![enter image description here

Is it possible to reduce the number of loops to make the code more structured?

Best Answer

With two loops and two additional lines:

enter image description here

(you may check if w6 and w8 labels are interchanged ...)


C/.style = {circle, draw, fill=#1, inner sep=1pt}
\node[C=blue!30] (u0)   {$u$};
% orange vertex
\foreach  \angle/\label in {18/v_1, 90/v_9, 162/v_7, 234/v_5,304/v_3}
\node[C=orange] (w\angle) at ({1.2*cos(\angle)}, {1.2*sin(\angle)}) {$\label$};
\draw[blue] (u0) -- (w\angle);
\draw[very thick] (w18) -- (w90) -- (w162) -- (w234) -- (w304) -- (w18);
% white vertex
\foreach \angle/\label in {54/v_0, -18/v_2, -90/v_4, 126/v_6, 198/v_8}
\node[C=white] (w\angle) at ({cos(\angle)}, {sin(\angle)}) {$\label$};
\draw (u0) -- (w\angle);
\draw[blue]   (w54) -- (w-18) -- (w-90) -- (w198) -- (w126) -- (w54);

At least above code is quite sorter than yours :-)

with just one loop and \ifodd macro from TeX:


C/.style = {circle, draw, fill=#1, inner sep=1pt}
\node[C=blue!30] (u0)   {$u$};

\foreach  \i  in {0, 1, ..., 9}
    \node[C=orange] (n\i) at (54-\i*36:1.225) {$v_\i$};  
    \draw[red] (u0) -- (n\i);
    \node[C=white] (n\i) at (54-\i*36:1) {$v_\i$};
    \draw   (u0) -- (n\i);
\scoped[on background layer]
\draw[blue]    (n0) -- (n2) -- (n4) -- (n6) -- (n8) -- (n0);
\draw[thick]   (n1) -- (n3) -- (n5) -- (n7) -- (n9) -- (n1);

Result is the same as before.

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