Equations – How to Make Summation and Fraction Height the Same in Overleaf


I was wondering if I could get some help with this. I want to align the heights of fraction and the summation. The summation is positioned too low compared to the fraction. How can I acheive this?

\[\Lambda_{entry} =\frac{\psi/(1-\delta)}{\psi/(1-\delta) + m_{I}} + \frac{m_{I}(1-\Phi)}{\psi/(1-\delta) + m_{I}} \sum^{}_{(\tilde{g},\tilde{b}) \in \{(g,b)\}}\hspace{0.1em}f_{\tilde{g},\tilde{b}-1}\]

enter image description here

Best Answer

I hope something like the highest point of the summation [symbol] is aligned with the highest point of the fraction.

Be careful what you ask for...

enter image description here

\usepackage{mathtools} % for '\mathclap' directive
\usepackage{graphicx}  % for '\scalebox' directive

\Lambda_{\mathrm{entry}} =
  \frac{\psi/(1-\delta)}{\psi/(1-\delta) + m_{I}}
+ \frac{m_{I}(1-\Phi  )}{\psi/(1-\delta) + m_{I}} \times
