How to change the color of the background on the chapter style in fncychap? (\usepackage[Bjornstrup]{fncychap})


I'm working on a university project, where I would like to change the color of the box obtained by the chapterstyle Bjornstrup in the fncychap package. I have following now:

enter image description here

I would really like the gray box, to be a box with the color \definecolor{aaublue}{RGB}{33,26,82}. Ideally, since the color is quite dark, the text should be white.

The documentclass is as follows: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,openright]{report}.

The document templete, which is used, can be found on this site:

I’m really not an expert in latex, so I hope I’ve provided enough information to solve this problem.

Best Answer

Add this code bellow \usepackage[Bjornstrup]{fncychap} (and choose the colors you like):

\newcommand{\colortitlechap}{\color[rgb]{0.9,0.9,0.9}} % color of the chapter title <<<
\newcommand{\colornumberchap}{\color[rgb]{0.6,0.6,0.6}} % color of the chapter number <<<<
\newcommand{\colorbackchap}{\colorbox[rgb]{.129,0.1,0.82}} % color of the background rules <<<



    \vskip 40\p@%

    \vskip 40\p@%




This is the complete code.


%%%% ******************************************************* added
\newcommand{\colortitlechap}{\color[rgb]{0.9,0.9,0.9}} % color of the chapter title <<<
\newcommand{\colornumberchap}{\color[rgb]{0.6,0.6,0.6}} % color of the chapter number <<<<
\newcommand{\colorbackchap}{\colorbox[rgb]{.129,0.1,0.82}} % color of the background rules <<<



    \vskip 40\p@%

    \vskip 40\p@%


    \chapter{Technical content}