[Tex/LaTex] How to change the Chapter Num font when using fncychap


I'm using fncychap to style my chapter titles :


and this is what I get as a result :
enter image description here

I didn't understand how the ChNameVar, ChNumVar and ChTitleVar work, and my question is : How can I increase the size of the chapter num. " 1 " in this case, to make it bigger …

EDIT : Also as you can see the chapter title is not green what I'm doing wrong in this case ?

Best Answer

That number is set by \ChNumVar and you use Zapf Chancery. Comment that line or choose one of the other font families:


\ChNameVar{\Huge\fontfamily{put}\selectfont\color{black}}%  Utopia
\ChNumVar{\Huge\fontfamily{pzc}\selectfont\color{blue}}% Zapf
\ChTitleVar{\Huge\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont\scshape\color{green}}% Helvetica


\chapter {Contexte}\noindent\Large
\fontfamily{put}\selectfont ABCDEFGHIabcdefghj0123456\\
\fontfamily{pzc}\selectfont ABCDEFGHIabcdefghj0123456\\
\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont ABCDEFGHIabcdefghj0123456\\


enter image description here