TikZ-PGF – Help Drawing a More Sophisticated Right Triangle


I am preparing a geometry note file for my students and I am trying to reproduce a figure I saw on Wikipedia in the proof of the Pythagorean theorem. Here is the figure
enter image description here

I can draw a right triangle with tikz after some trial and error, but I do not know how to color the interiors of the shapes, label the vertices, label the angles as nicely as shown in the figure below, drop a perpendicular, and mark the angles with arcs or a square for a right angle as in H and C vertices. I am a math teacher by profession and my computer and TeX proficiency are minimal. I would certainly appreciate any help with this. My aim is to create my own figures so as not to plagiarize. I thank all helpers.

Edit: here is my code for a right triangle


\coordinate (A) at (-1.5cm,-1.cm);
\coordinate (C) at (1.5cm,-1.0cm);
\coordinate (B) at (1.5cm,1.0cm);
\draw (A) --  (B) --  (C) -- (A);


Best Answer

I propose this solution with the pst-eucl module of pstricks, which can mimick constructions of plane geometry:



\psset{PointSymbol=none, linejoin=1,CodeFigStyle=solid, CodeFigColor=black}
\psset{MarkAngleRadius=0.8, RightAngleSize=0.25, LabelSep=0.6}%, LabelSep=-0.2cm}
\pstMarkAngle{H}{C}{A}{$\theta$} \pstMarkAngle{B}{C}{H}{}\pstMarkAngle{B}{C}{H}{}
\pstRightAngle{B}{C}{A} \pstRightAngle{C}{H}{A}


enter image description here