Hebrew text with Polyglossia and reledmac: “undefined control sequence”


I am for the first time learning to use TEX/LaTex for the purpose of using reledmac along with polyglossia to format Hebrew text critical editions. I tried to combine a basic polyglossia snippet from here with a basic critical note (taken from here and simplified) and am getting an error. I recieve the error both on my own machine (TexMaker on windows) as well as on overleaf.

C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex/latex/polyglossia\polyglossia.sty !

Undefined control sequence. \edtextּ \edtextּ

I am using XeLaTex to compile. It seems as if polyglossia is trying to take the edtext command and failing, but that's about all I understand so if anyone could help explain this to a newbie I would greatly appreciate it.

\newfontfamily\hebrewfont[Script=Hebrew]{Hadasim CLM}

זוהי עובדה מבוססת שדעתו של הקורא תהיה מוסחת עלידי טקטס קריא כאשר הוא יביט בפריסתו.

Best Answer

The error is actually due to a typo. In your code, a diacritic (a vowel point) got stuck to the 2nd "t" in \edtext, which reads \edtextּ instead.

This is not a valid control sequence – or macro or command – in (Xe)(La)TeX and the program complains, as you noted, Undefined control sequence. \edtextּ .

(In fact, there are quite a few restrictions as to which characters can be part of a command name in TeX – most prominently, no numbers.)

Removing the diacritic yields the functioning code

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