Formatting the title page of a book


I am writing a book, and was wondering how to make the title page similar to the following example, without the reference number 1

Since I have the title page in a separate tex file like the different book chapters, I prefer not to manually enter the page definitions after \begin{document}.

Thank you for any idea you can provide.


\title{Book Title}




    First document. This is a simple example, with no extra parameters or packages included.

enter image description here

Best Answer

The command \tanks{} should not be used except if you want a footnote using \maketitle.

To make a custom title you must redefine \maketitle, or simpler, use a titlepage environment. Unlike \maketitle, the environment do not make any automatic content, nor have any predefined format, excepting that also start and end a page without number, so what is the content, and how is should formatted, is up to you.

As in the main text, you can push some text to touch the bottom margin simply adding \vfill, before that is, a vertical space that fill the rest of the page.

So a basic content of titlepage environment could be some like:

Book Title \par   
Author \par 
\vfill Departament ...  

Note that define \title, \author and \date are not required at all for the titlepage. You can just type the text. However, for a more rich format (with many commands for setting fonts, spaces, colors, ornaments, etc.) it could be more convenient edit these commands at the beginning of the preamble, as well as convenience some custo macro as \institute, and then reuse this information in titlepage automatically, instead of having to rummage and edit that contents between somewhat convoluted code. Unfortunately, it is a bit tricky retrieve \title, \author and \date information excepting using \maketitle, but this is a example of how it can be done:

enter image description here


\title{Book Title}
Department of Something\par
University of Nowhere\par
State of Art} 

\usepackage[a6paper]{geometry} % just for the MWE
\usepackage{pgfornament} % just because I want ornaments ;)


{\Huge\bfseries\sffamily\@title} \bigskip\par
{\Large\bfseries\@author} \bigskip\par
    First document. This is a simple example