Horizontal-Alignment,Forest – How to Center Align Text Using Text Width in Forest

foresthorizontal alignment

I'm trying to align to the center the text inside rectangles of fixed width


% Packages

\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows.meta, calc, patterns, patterns.meta, shadows}

% Colors

\definecolor{lilac}{RGB}{174, 182, 211}
\definecolor{lightblue}{RGB}{176, 221, 255}
\definecolor{lightpink}{RGB}{245, 160, 240}
\definecolor{lightgreen}{RGB}{150, 240, 180}
\definecolor{linecol}{RGB}{92, 92, 92}
\definecolor{background}{RGB}{239, 239, 239}

    for tree={
        line width=0.5pt,
        minimum size=25pt,
        text width=50mm,
        rounded corners=5pt,
        child anchor=north,
        parent anchor=south,
        drop shadow,
        l sep+=12.5pt,
        inner color=background,
        edge path={
            \noexpand\path[color=linecol, rounded corners=5pt,>={Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=0.5pt, ->, \forestoption{edge}]
            (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-5pt) -|
            (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
        if = {level == 1}{outer color=lightblue, text width=38mm}{},
        if = {level == 2}{outer color=lightgreen, text width=28mm, child anchor=west}{}
    [Clasificación, outer color=lilac,
    for tree = {
        for children = {
        [Principio óptico,
            [Con formación de imagen, inner color=background, outer color=lightgreen]
            [Sin formación de imagen, inner color=background, outer color=lightgreen]
            [A lo largo de una línea]
            [En un único punto]

enter image description here

I've tried using delay inside for tree but it didn't work

delay={content={\centering #1}}

Throwing the next error

! Illegal parameter number in definition of \pgfkeyscurrentkey.
<to be read again>
l.127 ^^I^^I^^I^^I\end{forest}
You meant to type ## instead of #, right?
Or maybe a } was forgotten somewhere earlier, and things
are all screwed up? I'm going to assume that you meant ##.
! Illegal parameter number in definition of \pgfkeyscurrentkeyRAW.
<to be read again>
l.127 ^^I^^I^^I^^I\end{forest}
You meant to type ## instead of #, right?

I've also tried putting \centering before the text but it did nothing

[\centering Con formación de imagen]

And using align=center does nothing but increase padding and avoid textbreak

enter image description here

Best Answer

Use /tikz/align=center rather than align=center.

The latter is a Forest-specific option which opens a tabular environment. What happens above is that your text is centered within the table, but the table is not centered within the node.

To be honest, I lament the day I overrode TikZ's align ...