[Tex/LaTex] How to align the tree using forest


I am trying to make a tree using forest. It is within minipage environment. But the tree does not aligns with the center of the page. Moreover I would like it if the subsequent levels too were centered around one vertical line.

for tree={
grow'=east,draw=black,parent anchor=east,child anchor=west, align=center,
edge path={
    (!u.parent anchor) -- +(10pt,0) |- 
    (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
  \item \noindent $\mu$ -EDM
  \item \noindent $\mu$ -ECM
  \item \noindent LBM
  \item \noindent EBM
  \item \noindent Micro-Cutting
  \item \noindent PCM
  \item Surface Coating
  \item Direct Writing
  \item Stereolithography
  \item Chemical \\ Deposition
  \item Polymer \\ Deposition
  [Lithography Based
  \item Photolithography
  \item LIGA
  \item Soft Lithography
  \item X-Ray \\ Lithography
  \item  Surface Coating
  \item  Direct Writing
  \item  Stereolithography
  \item  Chemical Deposition
  \item  Polymer Deposition
  \captionof{figure}{Microfabrication Techniques}

Here is the output

Best Answer

I dispensed with the minipage environment and I made it easier to handle. Also, I centered the titles and streched the boxes with the items.

enter image description here



    for tree={
    child anchor=west,
    parent anchor=east,
    grow'=east, text centered,
    text width=5cm,
    edge path={
        (.child anchor) -| +(-2pt,0) -- +(-8pt,0) |-
        (!u.parent anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
    [\centering Microfabrication
                \item $\mu$ -EDM
                \item $\mu$ -ECM
                \item LBM
                \item EBM
                \item Micro-Cutting
                \item PCM
                \item Surface Coating
                \item Direct Writing
                \item Stereolithography
                \item Chemical Deposition
                \item Polymer Deposition
    [Lithography Based
                \item Photolithography
                \item LIGA
                \item Soft Lithography
                \item X-Ray Lithography
                \item  Surface Coating
                \item  Direct Writing
                \item  Stereolithography
                \item  Chemical Deposition
                \item  Polymer Deposition
\caption{Microfabrication Techniques}
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