Symbols CV – Add E-mail, Phone, Website, and Twitter Symbols Outside of ModernCV


I am using the amazing CV template by Tyler Ransom:
See the copy of the template below. However, I would still like to use the nice symbols that moderncv offers. Any ideas how to approach this?


% Uncomment any of the following four lines to get different fonts

% Colors: see
\definecolor{oucrimson}   {RGB}{132.,22. ,23. }
\definecolor{byublue}     {RGB}{0.  ,30. ,76. }
\definecolor{navyblue}    {RGB}{0.  ,0.  ,128.}
\definecolor{darkblue}    {RGB}{0.  ,0.  ,139.}
\definecolor{dukeblue}    {RGB}{0.  ,0.  ,156.}

% Layout
\usepackage{setspace} %singlespacing; onehalfspacing; doublespacing; setstretch{1.1}
\usepackage[verbose,margin=1in]{geometry} % Margins
\setlength{\headheight}{15pt} % Sufficent room for headers
\usepackage[bottom]{footmisc} % Forces footnotes on bottom

% Headers/Footers
\lhead{} \chead{} \rhead{}
\lfoot{\today} \cfoot{}
\rfoot{Page \thepage \,of \pageref{LastPage}}

% Useful Packages
%\usepackage{bookmark} % For speedier bookmarks
%\usepackage{amsthm}   % For detailed theorems
%\usepackage{amssymb}  % For fancy math symbols
%\usepackage{amsmath}  % For awesome equations/equation arrays
\usepackage{array}    % For tubular tables
\usepackage{longtable}% For long tables
\usepackage[flushleft]{threeparttable} % For three-part tables
\usepackage{multicol} % For multi-column cells
\usepackage{graphicx} % For shiny pictures
\usepackage{subfig}   % For sub-shiny pictures
\usepackage{enumerate}% For cusomtizable lists
%\usepackage{pstricks,pst-node,pst-tree,pst-plot} % For trees

% Bib
\usepackage[authoryear]{natbib} % Bibliography
\usepackage{url}                % Allows urls in bib


% Links
\usepackage{hyperref}    % Always add hyperref (almost) last
\usepackage[all]{hypcap} % Links point to top of image, builds on hyperref
\usepackage{breakurl}    % Allows urls to wrap, including hyperref

% Custom commands
        {\hspace*{-\marginparsep minus \marginparwidth}%
         {\LARGE\bfseries #1} \hfill  {\LARGE\bfseries #2 \hspace*{-2.3\marginparsep minus \marginparwidth}}\\[-0.2\baselineskip]%

        %\marginpar{\raggedright \scshape #1}#2}
        %\rule[3.5pt]{0.9in}{1.5pt} ~~
        {\raggedright \scshape \large \textbf{#1}}%

\makeheading{NAME}{Curriculum Vitae}

% ==================================================================================

Department of XXXX

University of XXX

Address 1

Address 2


\textit{Phone:} (XXX) XXX-XXXX

\textit{E-mail:} \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}

\textit{Homepage:} \href{}{}

\textit{Citizenship:} [Country] 


% ==================================================================================


% ==================================================================================
Year & Ph.D. in Economics, Institution \\
     & \small{Dissertation: \href{link}{Title}} \\
     & \small{Committee: \href{link}{chair name (chair)},...,} \\
Year & M.A. in Economics, Institution \\
Year & B.A. in Economics (Awards), Institution \\

\section{Employment \& Affiliations}\\
% ==================================================================================
Year- & Position 2, University 2 \\
Year- & Other affiliation, \href{link}{Affiliate} \\
Year-Year & Position 1, University 1 \\

\section{Research Fields}\\
% ==================================================================================
Primary:   & field 1, field 2\\
Secondary: & field 3, field 4\\

\section{Published \& Forthcoming Papers}\\
% ==================================================================================
Year &  \href{link}{``Title''} (with Coauthors), \textit{Journal}, vol. XX, n. No., pages pppp--pppp. \\
Year &  \href{link}{``Title''} (with Coauthors), \textit{Journal}, vol. XX, n. No., pages pppp--pppp. \\
Year &  \href{link}{``Title''} (with Coauthors), \textit{Journal}, vol. XX, n. No., pages pppp--pppp. \\

\section{Working Papers}\\
% ==================================================================================
Year &  \href{link}{``Title''} (with Coauthors), \textit{Status} \\

\section{Works in Progress}\\
% ==================================================================================
Year & ``Title'' (with Coauthors) \\

\section{Policy Writings}\\
% % ==================================================================================
Year & ``Title'' (with Coauthors), Outlet, Date \\

\section{Invited Conference \& Seminar Presentations}\\ %\vspace{-7.5mm}
% ==================================================================================
Year1-Year2 & List of outlets \\

\section{Paper Discussions}\\ %\vspace{-7.5mm}
% ==================================================================================
Year & ``Title'' by Authors,(Conference, Location) \\

\section{Fellowships \& Awards}\\%\vspace{-7.5mm}
% ==================================================================================
%\begin{itemize} % Use \item[] to prevent a bullet from appearing
Year1-Year2 & Award, Institution\\

\section{Teaching Experience}\\
% ==================================================================================
Instituiton & \href{link}{Course title} (Level)\\

\section{Media Appearances}\\
% ==================================================================================
Year & \href{Link}{``Title''} by Author, \emph{Outlet}, Date \\

Coding & \multirow{2}{*}{List of coding skills}\\
Skills:& \\
Other & \multirow{2}{*}{List of other skills}\\
Skills:& \\
Languages:&  Languages\\

\section{Professional Service}\\
Referee:&    \textit{Journal 1}, \textit{Journal 2}, \\


\section{Departmental \& University Service}\\
Year- &   Role, Department, Committee name \\

Available upon request


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End CV Document %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Best Answer

As @DG' points out, the icons are all defined in separate .sty files and then loaded by moderncv. However the problem is, there are commands defined inside the loaded files that require the class file or other .sty files to be loaded. So what you need to do is take the minimum code that is required and then load :


%%%%Taken from

%%%%Taken from moderncv.cls
\newcommand*{\listitemsymbol}           {\labelitemi~}
\newcommand*{\addresssymbol}            {}
\newcommand*{\bornsymbol}               {}
\newcommand*{\mobilephonesymbol}        {}
\newcommand*{\fixedphonesymbol}         {}
\newcommand*{\faxphonesymbol}           {}
\newcommand*{\emailsymbol}              {}
\newcommand*{\homepagesymbol}           {}
\newcommand*{\linkedinsocialsymbol}     {}
\newcommand*{\xingsocialsymbol}         {}
\newcommand*{\twittersocialsymbol}      {}
\newcommand*{\githubsocialsymbol}       {}
\newcommand*{\gitlabsocialsymbol}       {}
\newcommand*{\bitbucketsocialsymbol}    {}
\newcommand*{\skypesocialsymbol}        {}
\newcommand*{\orcidsocialsymbol}        {}
\newcommand*{\researchgatesocialsymbol} {}
\newcommand*{\researcheridsocialsymbol} {}
\newcommand*{\telegramsocialsymbol}     {}
\newcommand*{\whatsappsocialsymbol}     {}
\newcommand*{\matrixsocialsymbol}       {}
\newcommand*{\signalsocialsymbol}       {}

%%%%Taken from moderncv.cls



enter image description here

To reduce that effort, depending on the engine you are using, you can also have a look into moderncviconssymbols.sty and see, that most icons are from fontawesome and marvosym. So these two packages could be your answer as well.