[Tex/LaTex] How to change the color of symbols (mobile, email, homepage, etc) in moderncv


I'm able to style the contents (color, font size), but I can't change the color of the symbol.


Here's the code I'm working with:


\title{Concepteur / Développeur}              
\address{<Rue>}{<CP Ville>}    



Also, for some reason I can't style the email at all, I can't change the color, fontsize etc. But it works with address, mobile, title etc. Could it be something to do with the @ symbol?

Best Answer

As it is now, there is unfortunately no elegant solution to do that (yet) :(

The color of the personal information section is controlled by a color called color2, the secondary color of each color scheme (after the primary color color1, while color0 controls the color of the main text (black)).

So you could simply redefine that color, anywhere after \moderncvcolor (or the deprecated \moderncvtheme) and before \makecvtitle / \maketitle, by:


This will however also change the color of the other elements that rely on color2, such as the rendering of \title (on top of my mind, it is actually the only other element that depends on it in the "classic" style variant). A hacky way to counter that is to force the color of \title through its argument.

Putting it together:


\colorlet{titlecolor}{color2}% save the secondary color before redefining it
\definecolor{color2}{rgb}{0.50,0.33,0.80}% redefine the secondary color to purple

\title{\textcolor{titlecolor}{Concepteur / Développeur}}% force to render the title in the previously saved original secondary color
\address{<Rue>}{<CP Ville>}



enter image description here