Drawing Latex tree and make arrows in it and change the spaces


I am currently typing a lecture note. Today, I have to make a tree in Latex.

Style/application: text boxes and \tiksstyle

Title: Types of equations

Types of textboxes:

  1. border is black
  2. border is white.


\begin{tikzpicture} [node distance=3cm]

\tikzstyle{box} = [rectangle, minimum width=7cm, minimum height=2cm,text centered, draw=black, fill=white]
\tikzstyle{noboxshort} = [rectangle, minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1.98cm, text centered, draw=white, fill=white]

\node (1) [box] {Varia...};
\node (2) [box, below of=1] {Alge...};
\node (2.1) [noboxshort, below of=2, xshift=0cm] {Simple ...};
\node (2.2) [noboxshort, right of=2] {quadra...};
%\node (2.3) [box, right of=2.2] {trigno...};
%\node (2.4) [box, right of=2.3] {diff...};
%\node (3) [box, below of=] {Differ...};


The tutorial I followed: LaTeX Graphics using TikZ: A Tutorial for Beginners (Part 3)—Creating Flowcharts

A example I will be using to "grasp" the key concepts in nodes and especially the child command: Example: A simple Tree


I want to change it:

(free hand drawing roughly explaining the modifications)
enter image description here

  • As the red spaces are the space from the leftmost/rightmost arrow to the rectangle, customizable.
  • The pink space is the space between arrows they are equal to each one, customizable.
  • (I don't want the arrows bottom-most open ended; they should have nodes below them.)

VScode fanboy.

I am looking forward to different and easy packages and techniques also. Oh and If any can explain how to change the space between a connection/arrow to the textbox, I would be grateful.

PS: I tried installing the forest package from the miktex console and the Texmaker, miktex gave me a Error code:35 ssl error while Texmaker simply didn't install it and complained about forest.sty not existing, looking forward to solutions for this also.

Best Answer

The question is a bit unclear as to which type of graph is to be constructed: a flow chart, a tree etc. Depending on the application, there may be packages that allow to specify the graph in a more abstract way.

Here are two ways to control the origin of edges: implicitly by controlling the position of the target node, and explicitly by specifying the origin.

enter image description here

\usetikzlibrary{positioning}% for left/below/... = ... of ...
\usetikzlibrary{calc}% for ($...$) coordinate computations
  activity/.style={draw,minimum width=1cm}
  \coordinate[below=of A](belowA);
  \node[activity,left=2mm of belowA](C){C};
  \node[activity,left=2mm of C](B){B};
  \node[activity,right=2mm of belowA](D){D};
  \node[activity,right=6mm of D](E){E};
  \path[->] (A) edge (B) edge (C) edge (D) edge (E);

  activity/.style={draw,minimum width=1cm}
  \coordinate[below=of A](belowA);
  \node[activity,left=5mm of belowA](C){C};
  \node[activity,left=of C](B){B};
  \node[activity,right=5mm of belowA](D){D};
  \node[activity,right=of D](E){E};
  \path[->] (A.south west) edge (B);
  \path[->] (A.south) edge (C);
  \path[->] ($(A.south)+(3mm,0)$) edge (D);
  \path[->] ($(A.south)+(4mm,0)$) edge (E);
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