Drawing a bonding curve


I need to get this done in TikZ. Can anyone help me? I know how to get the axes done but the curve itself is quite hard for me:



            domain = -.5:3,
            samples = 50,
            axis x line = center,
            axis y line = center,
            xlabel = {$x$},
            ylabel = {$y$},
            ticks = none
            \addplot[blue] {abs(x-2)} [yshift=3pt] node[pos=.95,left] {$y=|x-2|$};


Best Answer

Code for drawn your diagram with pgfplots is a bit more complex as with pure tikz:


    axis lines = center,
    xlabel = {$T$},
    ylabel = {$E(T)$},
    label style = {anchor=north east},
    xmin = 0, xmax=5,     ymin=0, ymax=1,
    ticks = none,
    domain = 1:4,
    samples = 50,
    no marks
\addplot    {1/x};
\draw[red,  densely dashed]  (0,1/2) node[left] {$E_0$} -| (2,0) node[below] {$T_0$};
\draw[blue, densely dashed]  (0,1/3) node[left] {$E_1$} -| (3,0) node[below] {$T_1$};

enter image description here