Draw this picture using Tikz (a large diagram with many elements)


How to draw this picture using Tikz?

enter image description here

Here what I've acheived to do.

enter image description here

  1. I can’t align blocks to the right. solved
  2. How to make crossed out circles? solved
  3. How to make curved lines in a drawing?


\usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning, calc}
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth', thick, node distance=2.0em, on grid,
    tt/.style={rectangle, align=center},
    el/.style={circle, draw=black, minimum height=2.6em}
    \node[rectangle, draw=black, minimum height=11em, minimum width=20em](uop){};
    \node[tt, at={($(uop.north) + (0,-0.75em)$)}](uopt){\bfseries Unified Operating Manual};
    \node[el, below=of uop.north, xshift=-5em](uope1){1};
    \node[el, below=of uop.north](uope2){2};
    \node[el, below=of uop.north, xshift=5em, fill=green](uope3){3};
    \node[el, below=of uop.north, below=of uope1, yshift=-1em](uope4){4};
    \node[el, below=of uop.north, below=of uope2, yshift=-1em](uope5){5};
    \node[el, below=of uop.north, below=of uope3, yshift=-1em](uope6){6};
    \node[el, below=of uop.north, below=of uope4, yshift=-1em](uope7){7};
    \node[el, below=of uop.north, below=of uope5, yshift=-1em](uope8){8};
    \node[el, below=of uop.north, below=of uope6, yshift=-1em](uope9){$N_f$};
    \node (tt) at ($(uope8)!0.5!(uope9)$) {\ldots};
    \node[left=of uope3, xshift=15em](user){\Huge\faIcon{user}};
    \draw[<-, line width=3pt, loosely dotted, green] (uope3) -- (user) node[midway, xshift = 2em, above, black] {Changes};
    \node[rectangle, draw=black, minimum height=11em, minimum width=17em, anchor=north east, below=of uop.south east](man1){};
    \node[tt, at={($(man1.north) + (0,-0.75em)$)}](man1t){\bfseries Manual №1};
    \node[el, below=of man1.north, xshift=-5em](uope11){1};
    \node[el, below=of man1.north](uope21){2};
    \node[el, below=of man1.north, xshift=5em, fill=green](uope31){3};
    \node[el, below=of man1.north, below=of uope11, yshift=-1em](uope41){4};
    \node[el, below=of man1.north, below=of uope21, yshift=-1em](uope51){5};
    \node[el, below=of man1.north, below=of uope31, yshift=-1em](uope61){6};
    \node[el, below=of man1.north, below=of uope41, yshift=-1em](uope71){7};
    \node[el, below=of man1.north, below=of uope51, yshift=-1em](uope81){8};
    \node[el, below=of man1.north, below=of uope61, yshift=-1em](uope91){$N_f$};
    \node (tt) at ($(uope81)!0.5!(uope91)$) {\ldots};

Best Answer

Repetitive code can best be avoided using \pics. Therefore a solution using these (in combination with the matrix and fit libraries and a little friend provided by the tikzpeople package):

\usepackage{tikzpeople} % loads tikz
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, fit, shapes.misc}

    pics/my matrix/.style={
            \tikzset{my matrix/.cd, #1}
            \matrix (-m) at (0,0) [
                name prefix ..,
                ampersand replacement=\&,
                matrix of nodes, 
                row sep=0.5cm,
                column sep=0.75cm,
                every node/.style={
                    minimum width=2.5em,
                    inner sep=0pt,
                    text depth=0.1em,
                row 1 column 3/.style={
                    every node/.append style={
                my matrix/matrix,
            ] {
                1 \& 2 \& 3 \\
                4 \& 5 \& 6 \\
                7 \& 8 \& $N_{f}$ \\
            \path (-m-3-2) -- (-m-3-3) 
                node[midway] {$\ldots$};
            \node[above] (-header) at (-m.north) {
                \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/my matrix/header}
                fit={(-m) (-header)}, 
                my matrix/box,
            ] (-box) {};
    my matrix/header/.initial={},
    my matrix/matrix/.style={},
    my matrix/box/.style={
        minimum width=5.5cm
    crossed out/.style 2 args={
        row #1 column #2/.style={
            every node/.append style={
                path picture={
                    (path picture bounding box.north west) -- 
                    (path picture bounding box.south east) 
                    (path picture bounding box.south west) -- 
                    (path picture bounding box.north east);


    \pic (matrix 1) at (0,0) {my matrix={
        header={\textbf{Unified Operating Manual}},
            minimum width=7.5cm

    \pic (matrix 2) at (0,-5) {my matrix={
        header={Manual №1},
            crossed out={2}{3},
            crossed out={3}{3},
            crossed out={3}{2},

    \pic (matrix 3) at (0,-10) {my matrix={
        header={Manual №2},
            crossed out={2}{2},
            crossed out={3}{3},
            crossed out={3}{2},

    \pic (matrix 4) at (0,-16) {my matrix={
        header={Manual №$N_{0}$},
            crossed out={2}{3},
            crossed out={3}{1},

    \path (matrix 3-box.south) -- (matrix 4-box.north) 
        node[midway] {$\vdots$};

    \draw[-stealth] ([xshift=-3.25cm]matrix 1-box.south) |- (matrix 4-box.west);
    \draw[-stealth] ([xshift=-3cm]matrix 1-box.south) |- (matrix 3-box.west);
    \draw[-stealth] ([xshift=-2.75cm]matrix 1-box.south) |- (matrix 2-box.west);

    \node[bob, mirrored, minimum size=1.25cm] (bob)
        at ([xshift=5cm]matrix 1-m-1-3) {User};

    \draw[ultra thick, green!50!black, dashed, -stealth]
        (bob.west) -- (matrix 1-m-1-3)
        node[pos=0.25, above, black] {Changes};

    \draw[ultra thick, green!50!black, dashed, -stealth]
        (matrix 1-m-1-3) to[bend left=70] (matrix 2-m-1-3);

    \draw[ultra thick, green!50!black, dashed, -stealth]
        (matrix 1-m-1-3) to[bend left=70] (matrix 3-m-1-3);

    \draw[ultra thick, green!50!black, dashed, -stealth]
        (matrix 1-m-1-3) to[bend left=70] (matrix 4-m-1-3);


enter image description here

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