Draw an arrow between two figures ending in a specific location


I have two figures (.pdf) side-by-side and would like to draw an arrow from the right
one to the left one, with the arrow head ending at a specific location in the
left figure. Here is a MWE:



  \tikz[remember picture]{\node(figleft){\framebox{\parbox[c][3cm]{0.4\textwidth}{\hspace{3.5cm}\raisebox{2cm}{Figure 1}}}};}%
  \raisebox{10mm}{\tikz[remember picture]{\node(figright){\framebox[0.4\textwidth]{Figure 2}};}}%
  \tikz[overlay, remember picture]{\draw[thick, stealth-] (figleft-|figleft.north) -- (figright-|figright.west);}

The arrow head should end at a specific location inside Figure 1 (say, where
the text "Figure 1" appears). I assume I'd need to somehow specify the
location of the node figleft. A crude idea was to place a node at the
location of "Figure 1" and then have the arrow drawn to that location. I
tried with \tikz[remember picture]{\node at (-1cm,3cm) (anchor) {Anchor};}
but the placement (-1cm, 3cm) didn't seem to be respected.

Best Answer

It seems odd to put \framebox inside a node when almost the exact same thing is achieved by [draw]. The only difference is [inner sep] vs. \fboxsep. Also (figleft-|figleft.north) is equivalent to simply (figleft.north) etc.

More importantly, \raisebox raises the text by lowering the baseline. So [baseline=-10mm] is equivalent to \rasiebox{10mm){...}. Similarly, Figure 1 is 2cm above (figleft.base).



  \tikz[remember picture]{\node[draw,minimum height=3cm,minimum width=0.4\textwidth](figleft){\hspace{3.5cm}\raisebox{2cm}{Figure 1}};}%
  \tikz[remember picture, baseline=-10mm]{\node[draw,minimum width=0.4\textwidth,anchor=south](figright){Figure 2};}
  \tikz[overlay, remember picture]{\draw[thick, stealth-] (figleft.base east) ++ (0,2) -- (figright.west);}
