TikZ-PGF – How to Draw a Previously Named Path in TikZ


How can I draw a previously named path in TikZ?


    \path[name path=mypath] (0,0) -- (5,5);
    %\draw[use path=mypath]; % This does not work
    %\path[mypath, draw]; % This does not work


The answer given here has a macro for use path option. Is there a solution within TikZ?

Best Answer

It is just wrong syntax. After you name a path via [save path], you can recall it with [use path].

\path[save path=\mypath] (0,0) -- (5,5);
\draw[use path=\mypath]; % This works now

The key [name path] of the library intersections has totally different use. The keys [name path] and [save path] can be combined. See Section 14.22 in pgfmanual for more details.

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