Draw a crescent (similar to slur or tie) using Tikz


I need to draw a crescent symbol (used for Indic music notation) using tikz. I have almost done with the drawing but got a problem with the output. The outcome is given below

enter image description here

The code is given below

\begin{tikzpicture}[squarednode/.style={rectangle, minimum size=5mm}, node distance=2mm]
    \node[squarednode] (1) {1};
    \node[squarednode] [right=of 1] (2) {2};
    \node[squarednode] [right=of 2] (3) {3};

    \draw [fill=black, draw=black] (1.south) to [out=315,in=225] (3.south);
    \draw [fill=white, draw=white] (1.south) to [out=325,in=215] (3.south);

Everything is working fine but there is a horizontal thin black line from the start to the end of the image which is not required.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

You need to draw a single closed path instead of overlaying one path with another. This way, the artefact will not show up. You can do like this:

\documentclass[tikz, border=5mm]{standalone}



\coordinate (1) at (0,0);
\coordinate (3) at (2,0);

%\draw [fill=black, draw=black] (1.south) to [out=315,in=225] (3.south); 
%\draw [fill=white, draw=white] (1.south) to [out=325,in=215] (3.south);

\draw [fill=black, draw=black] (1.south) to [out=315,in=225] (3.south)
    to [out=215,in=325] cycle;



enter image description here